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Friday, August 08, 2014

County Wants To Build New Showell Elementary School

The Worcester County Commissioners decided Tuesday they want to build a new Showell Elementary School instead of renovating the existing school.

At this time, however, they are uncertain how the $650,000 fee for a design plan will be paid. The funds must come from the county; there are no state funds for a design plan.

“I think we have some flexibility in getting these funds appropriated,” Superintendent of Schools Dr. Jerry Wilson told the commissioners.

Harold Higgins, the county’s chief administrative officer, said monies had been sent aside for fiscal year 2016, and he would have a better idea of how the design plan could be paid for in October.



  1. 650,000 for a design plan? I'd do it for half of that. Crazy, over inflated coasts, and arrogant spending will be the downfall of this area, as a whole.

  2. 4:25pm Are you an architect?

  3. This is really asinine!!

    $650,000 would build me a mansion.

  4. So, someone state why a NEW (vs remodel) is necessary. Is that too much to ask?

  5. all class rooms must face east to appease our new muslim overlords.


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