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Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Cop: ‘If Obama Doesn’t Follow the Constitution, We Don’t Have To’


  1. lmao guess we as citizens don't need to follow the laws either especially since they were implemented by a bunch of elitist bent on keeping themselves in power!

  2. A lawless government creates a lawless society. Get prepared because total anarchy is on the way.

  3. So, this is what it's come down to. Law enforcement has now unilaterally decided that they are not only above the law but don't intend to follow the Constitution either.
    I simply can't believe what I've just watched and wonder how high this new 'training' has come down from. However, I'm certain this POS cop has gotten his thought process from somewhere within law enforcement.

  4. So his argument is that because one man refuses to adhere to the constitution then the constitution is no longer valid. That is not in line with the oath this person took and he should be removed from duty immediately.

  5. 5:04 both the cop AND Obama!

  6. It must get worse so it can get better

  7. Wow... this day is full of wonderful entertainment. Thank you.


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