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Friday, August 08, 2014

Consumer Spending Up In Md. Since Recession

Consumer spending in Maryland rose slowly but steadily in the years after the Great Recession.

The figures come from a report the government released Thursday. For the first time, the report shows consumer spending on a state-by-state basis.

Consumer spending increased about 8 percent from 2009 through 2012, the latest year for which figures are available. The Great Recession officially ended in June 2009.



  1. The reason spending is up is because since 2008, gasoline has risen over 200% and everything costs more.

  2. plus, government is the number one industry in maryland... those that work for the government are flush.

  3. 12:43 Ding Ding Ding... these numbers are flawed. Compare it to the cost of goods/services versus wages/income. I bet the percentage has risen a ton.

  4. I also believe the cost of goods and services and the fact that things eventually break down, and need to be either fixed or if you can possibly afford it, replaced.


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