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Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Consumer Reports Pics Up Our Story, Sort Of...

FAA: Pilot Endangered People By Buzzing His House, The Mall At 500 Feet

Seeing your world down on Earth in miniature is something we humans have enjoyed ever since the first person got to the top of something tall, looked down and said “Oooh, that’s my cave all the way down there!” But the Federal Aviation Administration says one pilot flying a US Airways passenger flight should’ve resisted that urge when he reportedly buzzed his house and a local mall at an altitude of only 500 feet.

In a probe by the FAA into the incident, officials say the pilot-in-command of a flight carrying 24 passengers and two crew members purposely flew the US Airways flight dangerously low over his house and a local mall, which was open late during the holiday season in December 2012, reportsUSA Today.


1 comment:

  1. That article credits the Daily Times for filing a FOIA request to obtain the info. If so, why did they not report it first?


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