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Sunday, August 31, 2014

Congressional Black Caucus Members Push Police Czar Idea

Rep. Elijah Cummings, along with other members of the Congressional Black Caucus, sent a letter Monday to President Barack Obama, urging the administration to pursue changes to local law enforcement structure to “prevent more Fergusons,” including a federal czar to oversee local law enforcement.

“The administration must quickly establish a national commission to review existing police policies and practices,” the letter reads. “And identify the best policies and practices that can prevent more Fergusons and vastly improve policing in communities across the nation.”

In addition to the commission, the letter calls for the appointment of a federal czar within the Justice Department to monitor and oversee local police departments that receive federal funding.



  1. local law enforcement is just that "LOCAL". Feds have no jurisdiction over them

  2. No. We do not need more Federal Government control of anything. That's a big part of our problems now.

  3. Enough with this crap. the last thing we need is one more overseer who does nothing to fix the problem.

  4. This would make it easier to have a police state.

  5. I assume the "knock out" game would still not be acknowledged by the Black Caucus Members.
    It will be ignored just like the big thug who stole cigars and hit the store keeper. Let's make heroes out of thugs is the Black Caucus' motto.

  6. Why doesn't the black caucus address the real issue. 73% of black children are born out of wedlock and have no fathers. But their mothers receive 1500 bucks a month plus other welfare programs. It's the black culture that the black caucus should be addressing.

  7. Cummings is pushing for a Czar because he is a freaking COMMUNIST.

  8. Can you imagine if the women who have babies HAD to pay for them out of their own pocket? No wonder the government is 17+ trillion in debt and growing each hour that passes.

  9. We already have a black in power & he is fornicating everything up

  10. This waste of oxygen is a raving lunatic democrat...aaah but I repeat myself.....

  11. Mr Cummings, what does the word "Facts" mean to you? Facts, Mr. Cummings, F - A - C - T - S. Does that word mean anything, at all, to you? No? Step into my office! Why? Because you're F-ing fired!

  12. I thought this prick was in prison. Well he should be.

  13. Anonymous said...
    This would make it easier to have a police state.

    August 26, 2014 at 1:13 PM

    Bingo! That's the point.

  14. Anonymous said...
    Why doesn't the black caucus address the real issue. 73% of black children are born out of wedlock and have no fathers. But their mothers receive 1500 bucks a month plus other welfare programs. It's the black culture that the black caucus should be addressing.

    August 26, 2014 at 1:17 PM

    It's that low? Darn, I'm surprised.

  15. If that thug Elijah Cummings has anything to do with it then it is screwed up from the beginning.

  16. How about an IRS Czar with special prosecutorial powers, Elijah?

  17. A czar???? Really???? I thought only communist countries had czars.

  18. Don't forget - the Worcester County Democrats feted Elijah the Communist in Berlin last year! I am sure Norm & Jim were there!

  19. 3:12 lunatic democrat? thats an oxymoron.


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