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Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Coked-up Obama is Higher than a Kite


  1. His bosses (same bosses as W's bosses) always choose candidates who are totally compromised. That way the person can be easily controlled.

    Barry is a coke head. He loves the stuff. He also smokes it (crack) and continuously makes references to crack in public.

    Barry is also a closet homosexual. Time Magazine referred to him as the first Homosexual President. I doubt that, but what ever.

    It is also obvious (to some of us) that his "wife" is a man. He can't hide the very large shoulders and neck. He dresses with large ear rings and necklaces to try to distract attention away from the large shoulders and neck. The ring finger is obviously longer than the index finger. This means he was born as a man.

    These facts add up to one thing: Barry is a compromised individual. He MUST obey the instructions he is given. He has no choice.

    The POTUS is not in charge. The POTUS is a puppet. That is a dangerous situation.

  2. 3:45 PM Good Lord - what is your choice for getting high?

  3. Anonymous said...
    3:45 PM Good Lord - what is your choice for getting high?

    August 6, 2014 at 4:08 PM

    I think many of his observations are correct.

    I believe he is a pot head, I believe he is a crack head, I believe he is a homo and I do believe Michelle is a man. Why don't you believe any of this?

    I am not sure what or who he implies is in charge especially when he says the same bosses were Bush's bosses?

  4. Watching him bug his nose as much as he is doing is grossing me out.

  5. Here we are, and the truth is obvious. There is no birth cert either.

    So, is George running the show?

    (Soros for the uninformed)


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