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Friday, August 01, 2014

CNN Anchor Bill Weir to Fox Nation: ‘You Willfully Ignorant F*cksticks’

It’s safe to say CNN anchor Bill Weir is not a fan of climate change deniers.

On Thursday, the Twitter account for Fox Nation, a blog run by Fox News, tweeted a link to a postheadlined, “Climate Doesn’t Cooperate With Al Gore’s Group’s Visit to Denver EPA Hearings.”

The story, aggregated from the Washington Times, relates to a Denver visit by former Vice President Al Gore‘s “Climate Reality Project” for EPA hearings on power plant emissions.

The group showed up to hand out ice cream even though it was 58 degrees.

Weir retweeted the link, with his own comment: “Weather is not climate, you willfully ignorant fucksticks.”

We’ve requested comment from CNN.



  1. We had pogo sticks back in the day.Are they similar?

  2. There's a old adage that says the use of profanity in an argument is a sign of the weaker mind.
    After reflecting on that, I'm firmly convinced that the use of profanity by liberal Democrats ie:, Joe Biden, Lois Lerner and this clown from CNN just to mention a trio, is clearly a sign of their weak mindedness. And, a further indication of their inability to lead a donkey, let alone a city, county, state or nation.

  3. Anyone who still believes this man made global warming hoax is a f####stick


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