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Sunday, August 17, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Texas Gov. Perry indicted for coercion over veto threat

A grand jury indicts Texas Gov. Rick Perry for abuse of power after carrying out a threat to veto funding for state public corruption prosecutors, making Perry the state's first indicted governor in nearly a century.



  1. Payback for not kissing illegals a$$.

  2. Nothing new about Texas Gov. The last guy was a criminal.. Drunk driving And Cocaine poss.

    1. Screw u u liberal moron its people like u killing America.

    2. Your traditional hate killed America

  3. It is time they get a female Governor! Matter fact a female African Mexican.

  4. This is retribution from liberal socialist illegal alien activists, (democrats) who want to derail his
    Presidential bid and remove him from office so they can completely RUIN Texas! Politics the Communist way.
    I'm tellin' ya, shots are going to have to be fired least the Communists take over completely.

  5. Could not have happen to a deserving man. I hope he is convicted.

  6. Obama is going after all the Republicans no matter who they are. It's time for a Revolution. We need to help our Patriots like the Gov. out! Stand up and fight back weak America!!

  7. Are there NO HONEST souls to hold office in this country?

  8. C O S. dismissed after election. wanna bet?

  9. Well come on with it 3:08. You are such a big baddy why dont you go on and start your revolution, lets see how long you last.

  10. The Democrats are indicting him for the same offense that the Republicans want Obama impeached.

    Too bad we can't get over politics and do what's right for the country!

  11. A Texas grand jury (of his peers) indicted Mr.Perry for allegedly violating Texas law. Remarks which name Obama, Holder or other other national figures as somehow involved are inaccurate.

  12. If Obama can break the law why can't others?

  13. "The Democrats are indicting him for the same offense that the Republicans want Obama impeached."

    Dear God - where do you people get this crap?

  14. Political theater and democratic dirty-tricks. Amazing how the demos can sniff out supposed corruption in others, while they wallow in it on a daily basis.

  15. Perry has not broken any law. This just more dirty politics.


  16. Anonymous said...
    Could not have happen to a deserving man. I hope he is convicted.

    August 16, 2014 at 1:06 AM

  17. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Well come on with it 3:08. You are such a big baddy why dont you go on and start your revolution, lets see how long you last.

    August 16, 2014 at 9:17 AM

    When it does start it will be one to remember.


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