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Tuesday, August 05, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Second American with Ebola arrives in US

Nancy Writebol, 59, second American aid worker diagnosed with Ebola, arrives in Atlanta for treatment.



  1. I unlike a lot of people in this country don't have a problem with this. I was reading how the doctor who was flown in the other day, had taken some serum prior to leaving Africa that is still in the early experimental stages. Some of his symptoms were alleviated to the point where he was able to shower and get up and walk around.
    Ebola is one of the villain virus'. Rabies is another and there are some similarities between them. While human rabies deaths are rare in the US this could be a break through in regards to that virus if treatment is successful.

    1. He took the risk screw him he should have stayed there I guess he thought he was god.

  2. 1:51 you are stupid. Look at what the experts are saying they can't contain it and it could kill thousands. Only a moron would what allow these people back in this country .

    1. Part of OBAMAS plan to wipe us Out.

  3. 2:00-The experts are saying quite the opposite.
    FYI Ebola was introduced into the US in the 1990's. Several people were exposed to and developed the antibodies but did not get sick, while working in the quarantine facilities in Virginia.
    The only way for Ebola to spread in this country is for someone to purposely spread it. In other words someone who comes from Africa who is showing symptoms and doesn't seek treatment.

  4. so the american people are a bunch of lab rats? thats basically what youre saying.

  5. So who is footing the bill for all of this?


  7. 2:52-it was their choice. No one made them try the experimental treatment. They could have stayed in Africa and died. I'm glad they chose to try treatment. The immigration policy has so run amok in the country that anyone could come in carrying the virus and at this point in time we would be powerless to do anything about it. As someone said this could be the break through needed to eradicate this virus.

  8. Hopefully the new experimental medication that these people are allowing to be administered will turn into something that was worth the risk.

  9. Why are people on this site so quick to name call. What is a MORON anyway. To me it is a person who would bully another with name calling. If you have no facts...not case...nothing to add... sink to the level of name calling. I really wish that those comments would be taken down just due to the fact that they have NOTHING to add but insult.

  10. An outbreak in this country isn't something to be too concerned about by human to human transmission. What is much more concerning is that the Ebola virus can be turned into a biological weapon and used in a terrorist attack. It is within that specter. Back in the 1990's a Japanese cult leader and some followers traveled to Africa under the pretense of helping to treat Ebola victims. It was discovered later that the group's real intentions according to a US Senate report was to obtain Ebola virus samples, culture them and use them in biological weapons.
    This is why an antidote needs to be found. Troops within Liberia and Sierra Leone have been deployed to help in the quarantine of the affected villages. There are a significant number of Islamist extremists dotted throughout those regions of Africa who need to be kept away.

  11. 3:11 I would imagine the Samaritan's Purse which was founded by Franklin Graham, son of Billy. A quick internet search shows they have 208.8 million dollars in assets.
    It was a private company that developed the serum. It is made in part from the tobacco plant.


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