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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Patient at Sacramento hospital may have Ebola

A Sacramento hospital announced Tuesday that one of its patients may have Ebola.

Kaiser Permanente South Sacramento Medical Center said in a release the patient is isolated.

The hospital's Dr. Stephen Parodi said in the release 'We are working with the Sacramento County Division of Public Health regarding a patient admitted to the Kaiser Permanente South Sacramento Medical Center who may have been exposed to the Ebola virus. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will be testing blood samples to rule out the presence of the virus.




  2. Every one of us knows at least one person who has to be almost dead to go to a doctor or a hospital.It could be a family member or otherwise.That mentality is what I fear with the ebola situation.From coast to coast there could be hundreds out there who will literally be crawling around on all 4's before having it checked out.

  3. But our government and the CDC says that we don't have to worry about it coming to such a "developed" country as the United States. It is after all transmitted by bodily fluids. It is not like you can catch it by someone coughing or sneezing on you.

    Well, it seems to me that AIDS and HEP C are also transmitted by bodily fluid swaps. And look at how well we have stopped those diseases in their tracks. NOT.

  4. Thanx obama,part of your plan.

  5. Obama will be remembered as the Ebola President...He let it in.


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