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Sunday, August 03, 2014

Breaking News: Lawmakers Fail to Agree On Funding Package For Border Crisis

Breaking News: Legislation meant to address the border crisis has died in the House, after lawmakers failed to agree on a funding package.

Fox News is told lawmakers plan to leave for the August recess without voting on the measure. http://fxn.ws/1pIOpiF


  1. The Republicans wanted a spending package to seal the border and transport those people back. Obama wanted almost 4 billion to leave the border as is and spend the money on welfare for those who are here illegally.

  2. 2:33 This... except the Dems will, no doubt, put this on the R's... after their 5 week vacation in the Hamptons, and Martha's Vineyard.

  3. And yet the Republicans were UNABLE to pass a counter proposal of ANY kind to Obamas plan. Sure, the Democrats will try and lay this at the feet of the Republicans...it's so easy when there is such turmoil and dysfunction within the Republican Party. They better get their act together or there won't be a Republican Party much longer.

  4. They should be made to stay until they can get this resolved.

  5. "counter proposal?" Why should there be any "counter proposals 4:18? There is any easy solution to this manufactured crisis and that is send them back. Laws and funding of which are already on the books and available.
    The only people who are dysfunctional are people like you.
    Weak individuals who stand for nothing. These children broke the law besides the fact that this isn't 1914 anymore when jobs were plentiful and the nation was more prosperous.

  6. 4:46 You are on the money. This was a manufactured crisis by Obama's lack of enforcing the laws of this Country. He actually advertised food stamps in Mexico. That's the truth.

  7. Since when is standing up for what is moral, right and lawful dysfunction? These children are coming from countries where lawlessness exists and the sole reason is because of corrupt politicians and weak minded sheeple who didn't stand up like the GOP is doing now and say enough is enough.
    I happened to look at the 3.7 billion dollar request line by line and there are items in there which one could consider as border security. Though nothing really of any substance such as putting troops on the border. Air surveillance (39 million) being one. 29 million for a border security "task force" (more government employees basically doing nothing.) About 600 million is "pork"-"wild fire suppression."
    The bulk of the money is going to lawyers and legal services.

  8. Really 4:46? It's that easy? Send them back how? And the child immigrant law on the books (passed by bipartisan congress and signed by Bush in 2008) is the major reason we can't send them back!! Part of the counter proposal is to repeal that stupid law. And more troops on the border won't solve a damn thing. These people are walking up and surrendering. What do we do? Shoot them?

  9. Obama will use the excuse that the congress is out of session and that this an emergency that can't wait, to use his pen to enact more BS illegal regulations. The democrats will eat it up because they will get what they wanted and still be able to tell their folks back home,they didn't vote for it,meanwhile the whimpy ass rinoes won't do a damn thing for fear that someone might not like it. Every day that goes by I lean more and more tword the TEA party.Someone has got to stand up for whats right whether it is a popular opinion or not.!@#$em.

  10. How do we go about stopping their paychecks?

  11. 5:51-Not true. It's Obama trying to play the Blame Bush game again and the uniformed repeating what amounts to as nothing but more Obama lies.
    This problem started in 2012 which coincides with Obama halting deportation proceedings against illegals who arrive as children. Obama labeled this at the time as "deferred action."
    The law Bush signed (in 2008) is intended for children who were abducted from there homes and transported against their will to a foreign country.
    Common sense dictates that if this were the "unintended consequence" of the law Bush signed the migration would have stated shortly after the law was signed in 2008.
    You as well as everyone else would be best served by not believing one word out of the mouth of Obama or any other democrat.

  12. Anonymous said...
    And yet the Republicans were UNABLE to pass a counter proposal of ANY kind to Obamas plan. Sure, the Democrats will try and lay this at the feet of the Republicans...it's so easy when there is such turmoil and dysfunction within the Republican Party. They better get their act together or there won't be a Republican Party much longer.

    July 31, 2014 at 4:18 PM

    You better believe it and I am witnessing this locally as well. We as a party need to find common ground and unite. If you are not going to do this then you are not a party. The Democrats are smarter than you.

  13. Anonymous said...
    Since when is standing up for what is moral, right and lawful dysfunction? These children are coming from countries where lawlessness exists and the sole reason is because of corrupt politicians and weak minded sheeple who didn't stand up like the GOP is doing now and say enough is enough.
    I happened to look at the 3.7 billion dollar request line by line and there are items in there which one could consider as border security. Though nothing really of any substance such as putting troops on the border. Air surveillance (39 million) being one. 29 million for a border security "task force" (more government employees basically doing nothing.) About 600 million is "pork"-"wild fire suppression."
    The bulk of the money is going to lawyers and legal services.

    July 31, 2014 at 5:44 PM

    Are you really that stupid to think this was not manufactured and they are refugees.

    They aren't even children, they are gang members and adults.

  14. Yes 5:51 shoot them.

  15. All these people to democrats are votes nothing more.


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