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Friday, August 15, 2014

Black Man Goes on EPIC Rant Against Ferguson Rioters


  1. At least one sane black man that has a brain.

  2. Amen! Amen!
    Absolutely agree with his perspective. And I'll bet that he works and is in the same house with his kids. And that is not only a black problem, whites are doing it also. But that is a problem that is tearing the fabric of our society apart. The demise of the family.

    The bigger problem, in my opinion, and I believe this gentleman would agree, is the loss of God in all families. We have lost our God and our way. As a society.

  3. Finally an intelligent black man speaking the truth. Also giving good advice better than anything Obama ever said.

  4. We NEED another MLK.

  5. We do not "need" another MLK. What we "need" is civil rights activists to act - CIVIL.

  6. 11:27 My point exactly...but they cannot act CIVIL so we need someone that can replace them. All Sharpton is doing is lining his pockets. It is a disgrace.

  7. Words of truth finally prevail!


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