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Saturday, August 23, 2014

Black Leader: Obama's Policies Stoking Ferguson Anger

Black Americans are right to be angry about their economic conditions, but the leader of a prominent black conservative group contends the blame belongs with misguided government policies and agitators who distract people from the real problems.

Protesters have taken to the streets in Ferguson, Missouri, in the wake of white Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson shooting and killing black teenager Michael Brown on Aug. 9. The protests focus not only on the specific case and the larger debate over relations between law enforcement and the black community but also over the perceived economic inequality between races.

Basketball legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar wrote a piece for Time Magazine suggesting that any sort of major racial conflict in America would have less to do with race and more about economic disparity and class resentment.


  1. Well, the economic inequality part is easy to fix.
    1. Work hard, get good grades in school.
    2. Go to college or learn skilled trade.
    3. Work hard, earn good salary.

    WHAT does any of this have to do with skin color? It doesn't!

    Its an issue of laziness and the poor me syndome! No one ever got ahead with their hand out!

  2. As they fall further and further behind....

  3. Oh, gosh! a Black stirring up racial animosity! Who knew?

  4. 6:57 PM

    You have no clue what you are talking about.

  5. Really 10:20 ?

    You explain it.....or are you one of those with your hand out too?

  6. Anonymous Jessica Adkins said...
    Really 10:20 ?

    You explain it.....or are you one of those with your hand out too?

    August 23, 2014 at 11:22 PM

    Yes, really. That outdated crap you spout might be true for a white person, but not for a person of color. You are either very young or naive, maybe both I don't know.

    There will always be people of ALL RACES to game the system, but the best jobs most often went to whites. While blacks had low paying menial jobs, if a job at all.

    Ever hear of affirmative action? That was utilized to try to correct the disparity. How well it worked is anybodys guess.

    Good grades, work hard, keep your nose clean is what is brainwashed into everyone from cradle to grave. It sounds good, might even give some people hope, but in the real world things are quite different.

    There is no poor me syndrome. But there is a very real thing called class warfare. Mayabe with age and more education you can break free from your bubble and join the rest of us in reality.

  7. Jessica Adkins said...
    Really 10:20 ?

    You explain it.....or are you one of those with your hand out too?

    August 23, 2014 at 11:22 PM

    Did you even READ the article?

  8. I'm going to agree with Jessica Adkins here, and I'm sure Dr. Ben Carson and many other black gentlemen can agree with her as well.

  9. Ignore these fools, Ms. Adkins. You are 100% correct. There are many successful blacks in our society. And the majority of them have followed the 3 basic steps that you describe.

    However, it is an accurate statement that progressive politics have ruined the economic conditions of blacks and many others. When you make so-called 'poverty' comfortable, and pay people to pump out illegitimate children, you get the scenario we are now dealing with.


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