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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Baltimore Sun - National Geographic depicts Baltimore as 'heroin capital of America'

Drug sales in broad daylight at Lexington Market. An addict telling viewers Baltimore "is where you want to be for heroin," and then, after she scores, letting the camera watch her cook and shoot up in her car on a street that appears to be in Hampden.

A masked drug dealer sitting at a table full of dope, pointing his gun at the camera and saying, "Coming to you live from Baltimore." An on-screen headline that says, "Baltimore is the heroin capital of America."

This is how Baltimore is depicted in the National Geographic Channel's "Drugs, Inc.: The High Wire," which premieres at 9 p.m. Wednesday. The one-hour report is sure to re-open old wounds at City Hall, if nowhere else, about Baltimore's national and international media image as a drug-infested wasteland of vacant rowhouses, lost lives and dead bodies.



  1. Thanks O'Malley and Brown and the democrats who are complacent in your administration and who worked SO HARD to get rid of all the republicans.

    I won't be voting. The odds are against me and I'm learning to hate Maryland.

  2. thanks owemalley! doing for Maryland what you did for Baltimore!

  3. I think they have that about right!

  4. Salisbury=Little Baltimore

  5. Not Surprised. Lexington Market used to be a really nice place to visit and shop. I was there in February for Jury Duty, and I was shocked how much things have changed. Even around the inner harbor area. It's degraded and found trash everywhere and dealers and homeless around every street corner.

  6. It's on tonight on channel 109 if you have Comcast in Salisbury.

    Yes it is O'Malley, Brown, Obama and Ireton's fault. It is the fault of every dead beat Democrat and every deadbeat that voted for a Democrat.

  7. I go to Baltimore only when necessary and then I travel only areas which I know and only before dark. The whole town is going down the drain. Hope their local law enforcement has received military gear....they are going to need it.

  8. Democrat control equals failure. Economically and socially.
    Maryland is the poster state for Democrat failure.

  9. Baltimore has always been a high crime and drug import city long before the current administration took office..

  10. Rawlings-Blake has done nothing but make it worse 11:00 like ALL democrat controlled cities in America!
    Now ask yourself why. Maybe because of the overwhelming population of blacks?


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