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Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Baltimore Officer To Plead Guilty To Killing Puppy

BALTIMORE (AP) -- The lawyer for a Baltimore police officer charged with beating and choking his girlfriend's puppy and texting her a photo of the dog's body says his client will plead guilty in the case.

Twenty-eight-year-old Alec Eugene Taylor of Silver Spring will plead guilty to animal cruelty, a felony, in Montgomery County Circuit Court on Aug. 27, Warren Brown, his lawyer said Tuesday.

County police say Taylor's girlfriend reported that he had killed Rocko, a 7-month-old Jack Russell terrier, on Feb. 26.

Brown says Taylor is remorseful. He says the 5-year-old veteran of the department was under a lot of pressure and took his frustrations out on the dog.



  1. no excuse. it starts with defenseless animals and moves on to humans. he will kill again.

  2. Piece of CRAP! They have always said if a HUMAN treats an animal in such a way they will eventually kill another HUMAN.

    Get this piece of CRAP off the streets and behind bars.

    Sorry Officers, this guy SUCKS!

  3. What Joe said!
    I'm interested in how lenient the sentence is going to be..., there should be none, period. However, this attorney wouldn't have let him plead guilty w/o prior knowledge of a sentence. We're gonna lose again.

  4. I agree. If you have "frustrations" and you take it out on any animal something is seriously wrong with a person and they do not belong walking among civilized society. This degenerate took it a notch further by sending a photo to the owner. This denotes evil-pure evil. If he just snapped and killed the dog, he would have immediately felt remorse after the deed, but he clearly didn't because he took the time to take and send the picture.

  5. I wonder how many take it out on citizens. Seems like there are a lot of angry police out there.

  6. "took his frustrations'???? That's an outright lie. His intent was clear, "pure revenge" on the girlfriend. If he's allowed to remain a police officer, then who next will suffer his revenge? A citizen. Fire him! period.

  7. This guy needs a very different job, and needs to be prevented from owning deadly weapons after serving a harsh sentence.

  8. The Jerk!! God help his family IF
    he ever has one.

    Since the dog was her property--
    he might get more of a sentence.
    However, since animals are seen as property by Law---had he killed his own
    dog----penalty would be less.

    That is Why the Laws need changing when it comes to Animal
    Cruelty!!!! Poor things , they
    can't speak out for themselves so
    it's up to the public to stand up
    for them & the Jerks that mistreat them!!!

  9. Strange how police and animal killers turn out to be the same.


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