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Saturday, August 09, 2014

As "Housing Recovery" Fizzles A New Scheme Emerges: Boost FICO Scores By Changing The Definition

Now that the the fourth dead cat bounce  in US housing since the Lehman crisis is rapidly fading, and laundered Chinese "hot money" transfers into US luxury real estate no longer provides a firm base  to the ultra-luxury segment, the US government is scrambling to find ways to boost that all important - and missing - aspect of any US recovery: the housing market. This is further amplified by the recent admission by the Fed that it is in fact encouraging asset bubbles, not only in stocks but certainly in all assets, such as houses. Well, the government may have just stumbled on the solution to kick the can yet again and force yet another credit-driven housing bubble, a solution so simple we are shocked some bureaucrat didn't think of it earlier: changing the definition of the all important FICO score, the most important number at the base of every mortgage application.


  1. We can use this idea to increase student scores. Just change the definitions of the grading scale. Just change failing from 60% to 40% and more kids will pass. That's how they got the state test passing rate up. Lower the bar, Maryland's path to success.

  2. Here we go again another collapse of our financial system to get more welfare crowd In a home they CANT AFFORD will we ever learn???


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