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Friday, August 29, 2014

After Being Fined and Forced to Host Gay Weddings, Christian Farm Owners Make Drastic Decision That ‘Will Likely Hurt Their Business’

A husband and wife who were fined $13,000 and told they could not discriminate against same-sex couples after refusing to allow a gay wedding on their New York farm have announced that they will “no longer host any wedding ceremonies on their property.”

“Going forward, [Cynthia and Robert Gifford] have decided to no longer host any wedding ceremonies on their property (other than the ones already under contract),” Alliance Defending Freedom attorney James Trainor told TheBlaze in a statement.

A judge ruled earlier this month that the Giffords’ farm is a public accommodation because they rent their space out, and they therefore must abide by New York anti-discrimination law.



  1. We still need to stand up to this insanity and tryranical LBTG agenda...freedom is DEAD in this country..

  2. The farm ownehe should turn around and sue the government for discrimination against their religio

  3. What happened to private property?

  4. Don't rent it out,lend it out to those you deem worthy of respecting your property and accept voluntary donations to help mantain the property and help pay legal bills.

  5. "I honestly do not know how all the gay wedding guests came down with food poisoning"...


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