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Saturday, August 02, 2014

Abortion Costs US Over $16 Trillion in Federal Revenue

Mark Olson, a former liberal activist, has published research demonstrating the devastating economic impact abortion-on-demand has had on the American economy. Olson's research finds that more than $16 trillion in federal revenue, roughly the size of our national debt, has been lost due to abortion.

"The figure of 55 million persons aborted, typically reported by pro-life groups, is a significant undercount," says Olson, a pro-life political consultant. "Abortions did not magically begin occurring in 1973 [when the Supreme Court allowed them], yet that is when everyone starts counting."

Using widely accepted pre-Roe v. Wade estimates, Olson's research additionally accounts for the compounding nature of population by including the generations of offspring that would have been born to those persons otherwise aborted. The result: The United States has suffered a population loss of over 125 million persons due to abortion.



  1. His logic is seriously flawed.Another researcher could provide an equation proving that an additional 125 million people would destroy our economy even moreso than it already is.Everything is relevant to the person doing the research and his/her agenda.

  2. Who cares how much it costs. It's mostly democrats who abort and the last thing the country needs are more democrats. Besides democrats make the worst kind of parent a child could ever have. They are void of any decency and morals, either have none or don't stand on any principles and are downright nasty people.

  3. Not to worry.. The illegal (OOPS)- undocumented aliens (oops)- immigrants will fill in the void.


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