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Sunday, August 31, 2014

A Letter To The Editor: Salisbury Trolly

Wondering how many riders the WASTE OF MY TAXPAYER DOLLARS trolley took to the bars and/or none-existent or not open stores last night. Any idea?


  1. Another stupid idea from our leaders .

  2. The BAR owners should be paying for this NOT yhe tax payers.

  3. Bar Owners are not going to support a trolley bringing college age kids downtown - get real

  4. Salisbury U already has the Safe Ride for the students to use. Operates pretty much on the same schedule. So no need what so ever for this repeat service.
    Just a way for your clueless "leaders" to say they are "moving forward" because they haven't the brains to figure out how to deal with the important issues.
    It is pretty funny watching them get all jazzed up over this and the low information stooges that support them.

    1. So whos great idiot idea wAs this to duplicate this$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  5. Get them on video.

  6. Who is paying the driver, insurance and fuel costs?

    1. Tax payers. ..not obamas peeps.

  7. first trolley I saw coming down Eastern Shore Dr a little before 12 had no one on it but the driver


  8. Does it stop at SPD and Sheriff locations to pick them up after making bond?

  9. Saferide info-

    "Vans are standing by during the following hours (academic year only)...

    Thursday 10:00p - 1:40a
    Friday 10:00p - 2:30a
    Saturday 10:00p - 2:30a"

  10. what i saw that ticked me off was the interview with the college girl who said she felt it should be just for college students as she wasn't comfortable around the residents of salisbury on the bus.
    so get the college to provide it. save my tax money.
    because shes right. i want nothing to do with the college students and would love to get into it with one of their drunk butts.! they belong in the zoo.

  11. This is just a new route for Shore Transit.

    Shore Transit, in cooperation with the City of Salisbury and the Maryland Transit Administration, will launch a new route in Downtown Salisbury. The route will offer service from Salisbury University to Salisbury's Downtown area. Service will be offered Thursday through Saturday, between the hours of 7pm and 2am. The fare is $1 per boarding for everyone. No other discounts apply. For stop times, visit www.shoretransit.org or call 443-260-2300.

  12. Our city council president...
    “When we've had concerns about crimes being committed against students, it's usually in their walk from downtown bars and restaurants home,” Day said. “They tend to walk in bars or by themselves and end up being easy targets because they're drunk and they're walking.”

    Drinking a problem on most college campuses, but seem accepting of "drunk" is that good advertising to bring students to SU? We will take care of them when they are drunk. How often did they already go downtown? I can't afford to get drunk at some of those high dollar places, can they?

    1. IDIOT the college already had a bus.

  13. you people stop your crying your just jealous you dont have a bus to take you to the bars fact fact fact

  14. 8:05
    Jealous? No! I am glad that my education taught me the difference between your and you're. You keep going to those bars and wasting that money cupcake!

  15. I believe the bus idea is great. I personally do not drink. If someone was stupid enough to drive drunk and killed another person, everyone would be complaining of their ignorance. Once again I am confused. Someone comes up with safe driving alternative and still no one is happy.

  16. LOL 8:05-It's so funny when you imbeciles, who haven't any defense come up with this kind of nonsense.
    You could not pay me enough to ride that thing. Even the college students have better sense and call this type of transportation the "welfare wagon."
    Anyone who thinks this would make anyone jealous, but really really be in a low point in their life.

  17. SU already has a service for the students. Why should there be another expense added to a budget that is already suffering.

  18. Just so we will know ahead of time....the first college girl that is molested or worse on that trolley because of lack of security riding the trolley.... who's name should be in the defendant column?

  19. Trolley is a great idea.

  20. How does this trolley effect the "walk to school" initiative?


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