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Sunday, August 17, 2014

A Letter To The Editor 8-14-14

I think it is great that you are posting the Credit Card charges for the County and Board of Ed, just wonder why nothing is being done to stop it or charge those who are illegally using the charge cards.

What I believe the public needs an update on is:

1. After all the tax payer dollars that were spend for the "Boot Camp" property and buildings off Fooks Rd. behind the airport what is being done with them now?? Last time I was in the area looked like the building were just sitting there going into disrepair. What did this cost the taxpayers of the County and what is, if any, the intentions for the property??

2. Rick Pollitt requested a tax increase and received it, to listen to Mr. Pollitt the County didn't even have enough funds to survive without a tax increase. The County Roads are falling in disrepair and there were no funds to pave or repair the roads.

Just like the Credit Card charges I think the Roads & Landfill Divisions need to be investigated, especially Roads Division. According to Pollitt there were no funds yet "certain" employees got raises.

Since Mr. Lee Beauchamp took over the Roads Division has been buying equipment like you wouldn't believe (with no money to repair roads!!) There have been new pickups purchased, about seven new John Deere tractors and mowers when nothing was wrong with the old mowers, new bucket truck, dump trucks, rollers, stone box to pave roads with (although not using it) patching machines, and not sure what all else. How do you purchase all this "expensive" equipment when you claim you don't have any money???

Roads are falling apart but instead of repairing the roads you go out and buy fancy equipment!

Mr. Beauchamp is spending tax dollars like crazy and also pushing the unproven gasification plant that we will end up paying for.

3. Is the County Council approving all this spending?? When they know funds are so low?? Also why isn't the Council Council pushing for results on the Credit Card charges??

4. Also do you wonder why Mr. Pollitt is not placing any campaign signs or saying anything about the upcoming elections?? I see Bob Culver signs all around but nothing for Pollitt, does he think he has the election in the bag??

The public appreciate all you do to get the information out, when other sources don't!!


  1. First of all, if any of this were illegal, it wouldn't be happening. We may not like it but it's allowed. Period. As far as signs go, I'd rather they ALL wait until September to put up signs. Why do we have to see all that roadside "litter" for months ahead of time?

  2. Also all the new Public Works logo stickers on all the trucks, tractors, etc. There was nothing wrong with all the county seals on the vehicles. Mr. Lee B just likes to spend money.

  3. as long as the same schmoes are running things, nothing will ever change. the questionable purchases should be found in the county budget?

  4. All of the mentioned things really distress me however, we the people have an opportunity to make a change in November. We need to cap the term limit of the executive. Pollitt has enjoyed 8 years and it is the time to give someone else a chance. Culver might not be my first choice but he is the best choice between the two men. My entire family will be casting their vote for a change and we have decided Culver will get our votes.

  5. Old Boot Camp is now used for inmates in work release.

  6. We need answers Rick Pollitt and County Council, and I don't mean a whole lot of BS either, real questions, we need real answers.

  7. "First of all, if any of this were illegal, it wouldn't be happening"

    Hahaha. Yeah, when has that ever stopped anyone, including elected officials. It is illegal to drink and drive, yet come in the county do it anyway, in their county car, while on the clock with your tax dollars. But, hey, let's just let them keep going.

  8. The old boot camp was used for the work release only for a short time. I take my trash to the county dumpsters on Fooks Rd and the road to that facility has been blocked off with barricades for at least a year.

  9. Try getting real answers or any public information from the Board of Education if they don't want you to have them. You'll die of old age.

  10. 2:17, while I feel your pain, Culver is not the answer. It would be better to have Pollitt with all his faults. Better yet, how about a return to no county exec at all? First rule should be "do no harm." You can't vote for Culver and hold true to that.

  11. 3:11 I have to disagree with you. Culver might be ruthless but Pollitt is a fake. I thought he was an honest person but instead he talks to his audience. And besides he has no vision with the exception of where he wants to go and he won't get there because he is just plain lazy.

  12. pollit has no leadership. That has been proven by taking the easy out and raising taxes year after year. Its time for a change and some real leadership for once.

  13. Spending hasn't stopped simply because they are working within the limitations that are in place for the spending...it's been mentioned before those to whom the cards or expense account funds are working according to the PRESENT guidelines.

  14. I'd rather have a Bob Culver with his "known" issues than a phony, lazy, party (as in political) man like Pollitt. He doesn't appear to be able to think for himself. Department heads are running wild, he has allowed the growth of the legal department as well as the over staffed executive office. He needs all these folks to tell him what to do because he is too timid (being polite here) to make a decision without someone holding his hand. He is a pathetic excuse for a leader. At least Culver takes a stand, has business experience and isn't about growth of government. I, for one, will give him 4 years to prove what he can do. Rick's time is over.

  15. The extension of Naylor road north, or west, I thought was financed by ARRA money. I thought ARRA money was to be spent on hiring the private sector to keep them open during the crippled economy.

    Instead, our local county GOVERNMENT self performed on the project. expanding their own government work forces and heavy equipment stock. They were so proud of the excess spoil fill dirt they were able to gain for the landfill, they bragged about it to me.

    That's the way Pollitt rolls, though.

    Disclaimer: No private sector businesses were employed in this endeavor.

  16. Omg! 7:03 I hope your facts are wrong. If not, with the economy in the tank here this should enough to limit Ricks votes to 3. His wife, his son and himself.

  17. Tough decisions have to made, things may actually get worse before it's possible for things to improve, the first tough decision is adios Rick! I think some new faces and more transparency, may uncover some ugly facts. Stay out of my pockets Rick Pollitt!!!!

  18. 1:08 states that Mr. Pollitt isn't doing anything illegal, maybe not, but it sure isn't by County policy!! If a regular employee were to charge food & drink items like he does they would be fired immediately. Here are just a few lines from the County Personnel Manual, but of course Mr. Pollitt is a politician so he's exempt I'm sure!!
    1410 Meals.
    (a) Within Local Travel Area. Expenses incurred by an employee for a meal during local travel (within a 30 mile radius of Salisbury, see map on page 14-14) are not normally reimbursable. Local meals may only be reimbursed provided the following guidelines are complied with:
    (1) The cost of the meal is included as part of the meeting, seminar, training or convention fee; or
    (2) The Department Head has approved the request and:
    (i) The purpose, date and time of the local meal is provided on the reimbursement request;
    . (ii) The names, titles, and company of any guests are provided; and
    (iii) A receipt issued by the dining establishment is provided.
    (d) Alcoholic Beverages. No claim will be allowed for the cost of alcoholic beverages.
    (e) Personal Expenses. Personal expenses which are not outlined in this chapter, such as: evening coffee, snacks, cocktails, movies, magazines, newspapers, etc. will not be reimbursed.

  19. I would like to see the County do away with the Executive form of govt. We have proven it was a mistake!! The Executive office is top heavy with high paid staff and everyone knows Pollitt is in way over his head. If we dropped this form of govt. we could probably get a tax refund with the money the county would save!

  20. This thread is getting side tracked, I would like to know what the Boot Camp cost the County and what the future plans for it are. Also would like to know how much the Roads Dept. has paid for salary increases and all their new equipment they have been getting. And most of all why this money isn't going to improve our ROADS! Don't say you had to have to equipment to improve the roads, you already had suitable equipment!!


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