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Saturday, August 09, 2014

63K Illegal Immigrant Youths Captured At Border In Past 9 Months

The Department of Homeland Security said Thursday that roughly 63,000 illegal immigrant youths were captured along the Southwest border within the last nine months.

The number of lone children spiked in May and June, but DHS said that numbers have fallen off since last month.

“We have surged resources and put in place an aggressive campaign to counter the rise of illegal migration into the Rio Grande Valley. We have dramatically reduced the removal time for many unaccompanied adults from about 33 to four days,” Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said in a statement, the Los Angeles Times reported.



  1. The Obama regime state dept. has been ACTIVELY recruiting these illegals for years with radio, TV advertisements and latin language flyers and posters with instructions how to apply for benefits, etc, etc...

    Well, when the parents realize there have been troops posted on the border with SHOOT TO KILL orders or they realize that by coming illegally without due process they will NEVER have the opportunity to come and live here, they will stop.
    This humanitarian/constitutional crisis is OBAMA's idea, his responsibility, and his FAULT.

  2. Is it still illegal for businesses to hire illegal immigrants?

  3. 4:19
    Yes but there is no way for an employer to verify if a social security card or number that the employee gives them is legit. So if an illegal shows up with a social security card with Joe Smith on it it does not say Joe Smith is a 19yr old purple man from Maine.

  4. Tattoo them, chase them back. Come back again shoot them.


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