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Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Riots and looting in Ferguson, Missouri, over the shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown by a police officer represent just the latest spate of race-based mass violence to break out in President Obama’s post-racial America. When Obama was elected in 2008, many Americans hoped that racial conflict in the country would calm. Instead, precisely the reverse seems to have occurred.

Not all riots across the country have been racial in nature, of course. Occupy Wall Street participated in riots repeatedly in 2011, and May Day protesters rioted in Santa Cruz in 2010 and Seattle in 2013, for example. There have also been repeated riots on college campuses over incidents ranging from sporting events to frat parties.

But with every controversial police shooting of a minority victim, the possibility of riots looms these days. That’s been true since well before President Obama took office, thanks to a racial grievance industry based on the tacit threat of violence. But President Obama has done little to tamp down that industry and much to energize it.



  1. duh that's his job divide and separate create hostility....that's what they do best keep cheering....one of the many frontlines in the battle against america frredoms...

  2. 735 could have swore it was folks like you screaming from the start that Obama was a foreign muslim terrorist and so were those who agreed with him. Now who was dividing?

  3. That's what community organizers do. Why would anyone expect any different from this one? He is nothing more than an al sharpton who has a somewhat better mastery or the English language. Divide and conquer is the underlying tactic.

  4. But, but, but racism is dead and we're the most transparent government, everrrrr.


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