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Friday, August 29, 2014

10 Secrets to Living to 100

Want to live to be 100? People are living longer, but blowing out 100 candles on a birthday cake is still rare. Today, fewer than TWO out of every 10,000 Americans are 100 years or older. Medical advances continue to increase life expectancies, but to increase your odds of becoming a centenarian, you need to start taking care of your body — now. The changes you make today increase your odds of living to be 100.

Your program to a longer, healthier life has many components, and doesn't depend on just one or two elements. "Life is like a huge puzzle with an infinite number of pieces," says Dr. Erika Schwartz, chief medical officer at the Age Management Institute in New York City. "The steps aren't extreme and shouldn't be intimidating. No single thing will either make you or break you.


  1. smoke, drink & eat read meat

  2. leave your neighbors wife alone

  3. leave your wife alone

  4. Set your on board computer to 110.That will more than compensate for all of the abuse we subject ourselves to and guarantee at least 100 years.


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