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Saturday, July 19, 2014

Wis. Police Chief Charged with Setting up Tea Party Member as Porn Fan

A police chief in Wisconsin was charged on Thursday with creating accounts on pornographic and dating websites under the name of a local Tea Party advocate to even a score with him, court records showed.

Town of Campbell Police Chief Timothy Kelemen was charged with misdemeanor unlawful use of computerized communication systems in La Crosse County, according to court records. He faces 90 days in jail if convicted.

Kelemen is accused of setting up accounts under the name of Gregory Luce. Luce and fellow Tea Party members allegedly harassed Kelemen's department after the town banned their protest signs on overpasses, a police report filed in a federal court case showed.

The report said Kelemen retaliated by using Luce's personal information to create identities on dating websites, pornography websites featuring homosexual men and HealthCare.gov.

"I'm not denying I did it ... I didn't think it was that big of a deal," Kelemen said in a video posted on the La Crosse Tea Party website, showing an interview with investigators in May. Campbell borders on La Crosse.



  1. There must be more charges to make than that little misdemeanor.

  2. This is just another example of a low life cop doing what cops do best.
    Intimidate with a badge and a gun.
    In this case they were Liberal pansy cops hell bent on the vindictive retribution Obama and his minions are known for. Hypocrites and mercenaries, nothing more. These are the people that should face serious revenge from the community.
    Completely disproportionate payback, then they might learn.

  3. THIS was the CHIEF OF POLICE! And he not only didn't know (wink, wink) that what he was doing was a crime, he didn't think of it as a "big deal".
    I'm wondering if he would have thought it was a big deal if someone put HIS boyfriend on some porn sites and set his mom up on a dating site. Maybe put his teenager on a "escort service" website?
    This is how stupid the police are and how far above the law they hold themselves. I'll bet, after an "investigation", that he is found to be an apostle of Christ, a lover of babies and little animals, and gives his salary to charity because he is devoted to "protecting and serving".
    Luce will be found dead in a ditch, shot while "resisting", or attacked by an unknown assailant.
    Keep cheering.


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