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Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Why There Will Be No Revolution

I recently read an article on the Left-wing website in Great Britain, The Guardian. This has been the most consistently Left-wing publication in Great Britain. It was part of the organized Left as early as the 1920's, and it has never varied in the slightest.

The author interviewed a former American spy. The spy is a very well read man. But he cannot think straight. He is a super Leftist. He talks about "the commons." He does not like private property. He sees all of capitalism as an attempt to take away from the commons and privatize wealth. But there never was a state-free commons. The commons was always a state agency. Throughout men's history, when there is common land, it is run by an agency that possesses political power. It possesses the power of coercion. Every time you see the word "commons," think "commissars." You don't have commons without commissars.

This man is singing the same old song that he sang in his youth. He says there's going to be a revolution. No, there isn't. He says that the open source technology will create the revolution. No, it won't.

The essence of revolution is centralized power. Engels knew this early, and reminded us of it for years. There is nothing more centralizing than a revolution. Every revolution in history has moved towards the centralization of power, including the American Revolution. This ex-spy, singing the songs of his youth, says that we are right at the edge of a revolution.

We are at the edge of a non-revolution.

What we're seeing is decentralization. We are seeing the breakup of the equivalent of the Roman Empire. There was no revolution against the Roman Empire. It simply disintegrated. The medieval world was a time of enormous decentralization.



  1. This is an interesting read if you go to the website.

  2. All well and good if there is power. Which there will not be. There will be no electricity. Or water. or heat. You are most likely going to starve to death in the next 15 years.

  3. 2:46 PM That is a bleak estimate. We have plenty of infrastructure that would not rely on power. However I will agree that things would get lean.

  4. Marshall law will come before a revolution.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    All well and good if there is power. Which there will not be. There will be no electricity. Or water. or heat. You are most likely going to starve to death in the next 15 years.

    July 2, 2014 at 2:46 PM

    Gee, makes on wonder how anyone survived when there was no electricity, cars, cell phones, internet, etc.

    We will be just fine people. A little, or a lot, of adapting, not having some things we have become used to and having to actually do things for ourselves, but we all will not die.

  6. Anonymous said...
    Marshall law will come before a revolution.

    July 2, 2014 at 4:16 PM

    Who is Marshall?


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