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Sunday, July 20, 2014

Why Is Brown's Campaign Van Registered In Virginia?

Anthony Brown has already driven many of our businesses, jobs and taxpayers to Virginia, now even his own campaign van is licensed in Virginia?!

(Thanks to Daniel for sending in the pic!)


  1. B-U would be four more years of OweMalley....driving even more away....!


  3. maybe they didn't want to pay Maryland taxes

  4. And the dems still think he can walk on water. I really don't think Maryland can handle 4 more years of liberals in charge.

  5. TAXES... to avoid taxes

  6. 8:49 - maybe someone else is funding the campaign!

  7. 8:49 They don't pay taxes. Look into the tax evasion of federal, state and local government employees. Numbers are staggering.

    It should be mandatory to run for an elected official, but I'm sure that would be deemed racist.

  8. I will also note the picture was taken in Prince Georges's County.

    See rear of bus on right.

    Sand Box John

  9. Reduced fees will allow for more annoying robo calls.

  10. There are plenty of jobs on the western shore for people with an education or technical skills. Can't figure out why there are no jobs on the eastern shore. Must be the people…..

  11. 11:31-It's because if the jobs aren't federal government jobs then they are fed gov't contractors or sub contractors and/or funded by fed and state grants. Then on top of this you have numerous healthcare facilities and colleges and universities which would cease to exist without gov't funding as well. You take all the above out of the equation and there are very few totally private jobs left in this state anymore, unless it's in the retail or hospitality/restaurant sector.

  12. Browns` van is on W. Main St. in Crisfield right now if anyone cares and yes this item is CORRECT.

  13. Because he as well as other politicians don't give a crap about Maryland just what they can get personally from here.

  14. What a bunch of fools. It is a rented van. The campaign did not go out and buy a van in VA. Brown did not go out and buy a van in VA. It is rented. Rental companies have vehicles titled in many states. I guess none of you have ever rented a car from any of the major car rental companies. They have multiple state's tags in their lots.

  15. look for the yacht in Rhode Island next to SecState Kerry's

  16. Rental???? Yeahroght! You wrap that and pay the fine, you may as well have bought a van and had it wrapped yourself. I'm surprised he didn't buy it in Delaware to avoid the sales tax!

    What a thief!

  17. 7:59

    Prove me wrong! Run the tag number and find out who the registered owner is.


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