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Thursday, July 03, 2014

Virginia Democrat Charged With ‘Indecent Liberties With a Minor’ For Having Sex With Teen Girl in His Office

A Virginia lawmaker has been accused of having sex with a minor at his office after a grand jury issued five indictments against the Henrico Democratic Delegate.

In August, police were called to check on a 17-year-old girl by her father who was worried about her relationship with 56-year-old Joseph Morrissey.

Police found the girl with the lawmaker at his townhouse.

Morrissey denied any wrong doing, saying she was a secretary and their relationship was “appropriate and professional.”

Special Prosecutor William Neely, however, says, “He had sex with her twice in his law office and texted someone about it.”

Neely also said the victim has given “three significantly different and contradictory statements to law enforcements concerning the acts and their relationship.”



  1. If this were a Republican we would have heard about it on every major news outlet. Double standard in play as usual.

  2. One standard for the serfs, another for the lords of the manor.
    Keep cheering.
    "Your guy" would NEVER do anything wrong. Despite the record for these slimy pieces of trash, keep believing that.
    He's going to "change things". And by "change things", I mean the nameplate on the desk and door.

  3. Don't really see how this is a crime, since the age of consent in Virginia is 16.

  4. A Stupid Democrat said...

    Don't really see how this is a crime, since the age of consent in Virginia is 16.

    July 3, 2014 at 10:52 AM

  5. You can bet if this was a Republican he would have been arrested and it would have been on every tv channel, newspaper, internet, trending, Twitter, etc.

  6. i bet she was smokin hot though ... i'm just sayin'

  7. House of Cards. Same thing.

  8. He's been this way for years. People look the other way and he's been allowed to grow more bold. Pathetic. Lucky young woman to have a father who cares and acts on her behalf.

  9. What is wrong with people? It's only sex for crying out loud.Don't over glorify it.Stories like this make people think sex is something sacred.

  10. 7:23..DUH... Spoken like a real sex pervert.....sex has nothing to do with this article stupid. Power is the issue...that and mental illness.


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