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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Rand Paul pile-on

If you had any doubts about how seriously some Republicans are taking the notion of a Rand Paul presidency, look at how far they’re going to shut down his views on foreign policy.

In the past three days alone, Texas Gov. Rick Perry used a Washington Post op-ed to warn about the dangers of “isolationism” and describe Paul as “curiously blind” to growing threats in Iraq. Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) accused the Kentucky senator on CNN of wanting a “withdrawal to fortress America.” And former Vice President Dick Cheney declared at a POLITICO Playbook luncheon on Monday that “isolationism is crazy,” while his daughter, Liz Cheney, said Paul “leaves something to be desired, in terms of national security policy.”



  1. RINO vs Tea party.

  2. To most of Americans, conservative, liberal or middle-of-the-road, if the Cheney's don't like you, that's a good thing.

  3. Paul's view is the correct one. Our interventions have given us...

    * Trillions of dollars of debt

    * 90% of the worlds heroin production (Afghanistan was 5% before we took over)

    * ISIS (rebranded al qaeda), who we used to cause 9/11, justify Afghanistan, given them control over Libya, and we just gave them arms to take over Syria and Iraq)

    * Depleted Uranium munitions have hurt the troops that handle them, and will cause generations of cancers and other health problems

    Every time we attack another country, we lose our moral standing. Every time we send arms outside our borders, they are used against us.


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