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Tuesday, July 01, 2014


The memo from the Whitehouse that was used to justify the killing of any American Citizen with a drone was released. Libertarians can rest assured their concerns were not only just but were confirmed. The Obama admin did their best to keep the Memo a secret. There are not any checks and balances, no classified courts. The president of United States ordered the killing of U.S. Citizens overseas in violation of their constitutional rights. 5th Amendment states and Individual has a right to due process which was completely violated. Also the Whitehouse made their Kill list with no oversight.
It is illegal to murder a U.S. citizen abroad Under federal statues, however those seem to have been overlooked or disregarded.



  1. This what happen for letting a mad man for office and ever watch winter solder in Captain America with Hydra and it same thing happening in this country and it was Hitler was the one started the problems in 1960's and what started their group reappeared in 1960's to hostile take over U.S.A. for their eroupe, far east nation for controlled over the world. That was problem for spark war world one in the first place and banking party was started problems.

  2. If this is true and factual... why is he still in office?

  3. Anonymous said...
    This what happen for letting a mad man for office and ever watch winter solder in Captain America with Hydra and it same thing happening in this country and it was Hitler was the one started the problems in 1960's and what started their group reappeared in 1960's to hostile take over U.S.A. for their eroupe, far east nation for controlled over the world. That was problem for spark war world one in the first place and banking party was started problems.

    July 1, 2014 at 2:33 PM

    WTF are you trying to say??

  4. 2:33.. good stuff.. you are smoking.

  5. 2:33 LMAO. Must be hash brownies because you would be too dangerous to use a match to light a joint. I have to believe you voted for Obama.

  6. This is real the stuff that cause alot of problems in 1945 in Berlin and we chase out those people in the country that how spread of evil we just unleash on the world itself is in danger being taken over bankers and phycopaths. It just before reach Berlin an unknown group grab Hitler before ever reach him and that how he still alive after the war and started problem in place. They made a deal with him in jail to become VC to become next living HELL!!!

  7. 4:35.what are you ....a .omally supporter i take it? Totally clueless...or cut off your internet and get out of your moms basement


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