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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The ‘Man-Caused Disaster’

The child-migrant crisis is largely attributable to one man: President Barack Obama.

The flood of underage — and non-underage — illegal immigrants from Central America coming across the border in Texas is, to paraphrase a former Obama administration official, a “man-caused disaster.” The man who caused it, more than anyone else, is Barack Obama.

Speaking at political fundraisers in Dallas and Austin last week — he refused to do a “photo-op” on the border, first things first — Obama placed the blame on House Republicans for not having passed a comprehensive immigration bill as the Democrat-controlled Senate did in June 2013.

But it wasn’t only Republicans who failed to pass such a bill. House Democrats didn’t pass one either in 2009 or 2010, when they had a bigger majority than Republicans have had in 80 years.

House Democrats’ priorities were the stimulus package, Obamacare, and cap-and-trade legislation to address supposed global warming. They passed all three despite negative polling — and even though cap-and-trade had no chance in the Senate.


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