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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The costly fantasy of impeaching Obama

The Democrats owe a growing debt to the Republican red-hots pursuing the fantasy of impeaching Barack Obama. They’re collecting a lot of cash — probably not as much as they claim, but a lot — from the naive and excitable folks in the Democratic base. Outrage is easily convertible to cash, as every bagman knows, and the Republicans should get a cut of it. Fair is fair.

Sarah Palin, who as a former governor knows better than to confuse hoping with doing, is leading the baying hounds this week. She told an audience the other day that “the many impeachable offenses of President Obama can no longer be ignored. If after all this, he’s not impeachable, then no one is.”

She’s right about that second part. No one is. We’ve tried impeachment twice, and neither time the weapon worked. That’s because the impeachment of a president is first a political act, an indictment by the House of Representatives, and only then a trial in the Senate. The Founders didn’t intend it to be easy. The prosecutors must have not only a solid legal case, but an airtight political case as well.

Barack Obama has lost the confidence of much of the public, but proving him guilty of “high Crimes and Misdemeanors” would necessarily be the work of “high politics and runaway partisanship,” and there’s nothing in the law or the Constitution against that. Many people have concluded that the president is an incompetent jerk, but that’s not impeachable.



  1. I think it would be less costly than one of his luxury vacations for him and Michelle. In this case, it would be money well spent. I believe for this sake of this country he needs to go and go soon!!!!

  2. My gues is you are a 'BLACK SYMPATHYSER'. Ask your buddy Holder what the guidelines are!

  3. By November even the Dumb Ass Liberals will had enough of Obama

  4. The people elect the "leaders" they deserve and they deserve the "leaders" they elect.

  5. Impeachment is a serious matter and is not to be used by idiots trying to change the results of an election. President Obama has done nothing that could be considered by any legal authority impeachable. Get real, why don't you morons try putting up an electable candidate.

  6. 3:53 Are you an American, or a Democrat?

    1. Aka... Are you white or black?

  7. Okay even if 3:53 is wrong, it would cost the republicans a lot more than it would the dems. And that hurts us short-term, think about this year's midterm election!

  8. What we need is him to be REMOVED from office. Clinton was impeached to what end? He was still Prez.


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