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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Tenn. man, 76, arrested for telling board members to speak up — we can't hear you

A 76-year-old military veteran who was attending a county board meeting in Greeneville, Tennessee, was taken from the room in handcuffs after interrupting proceedings to tell county government officials to speak up — the audience can’t hear you.

The Development Board members were discussing a controversial nitrogen plant in Greene County and company plans to construct a pipeline that would deposit water into the Nolichucky River, WATE-TV said.

Eddie Overholt, 76, couldn’t hear what board members were saying, so he asked them to speak louder.

“The board met up at the front of the room at a big table, had us roped off, and they were talking so low nobody could hear,” Mr. Overholt said, CNN reported.



  1. They should have a sound system where ALL people can hear them

  2. They had a sound system and weren't using it. So rather than let your constituents know what you are planning have the cops arrest a 76 year old man!? I hope the Salisbury Council doesn't read this. They might get an idea.

  3. 3:26 a local community is already doing this and few can hear

  4. Can you hear me now? ( as I pull the slide back)

  5. LOL! He actually though he had a say in anything? And should have the right to even HEAR what was being discussed?
    Politicians do as they will with no regard for citizens input. The "public hearings" are a sham to mollify the citizenry. To continue the illusion that we still have a republic.
    Now, if had stood up and said "I'll give every council member $50,000 to speak louder, they would have had the Gestapo escort him to the front and center and spoke personally to him.
    THAT'S our system, condensed into 6 sentences.
    Keep thinking you have ANYTHING they want to hear.
    And, keep cheering. Thats YOUR role in all this....


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