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Thursday, July 10, 2014

Sterling Says He Won't Sell Team, Calls Wife A Pig

A raging Donald Sterling denounced his wife, her lawyers and the NBA from the witness stand Wednesday, saying he will never sell the Los Angeles Clippers and vowing a lifetime of lawsuits against the league.

"Make no mistake today," Sterling shouted toward the end of his second day of testimony in the trial to determine his wife's right to make a $2 billion deal to sell the Clippers, "I will never, ever sell this team, and until I die I will be suing the NBA for this terrible violation under antitrust."

He was followed to the stand by wife, Shelly, who tried to approach him in the front row of the courtroom after she was done for the day.



  1. Rich white trash.

  2. He should look in the mirror and he would see who the pig is.

  3. I don't really have any feeling about Mr. Sterling's character itself because I don't know the man or anything about his character, but every time I see this story it upsets me on another level.

    I understand that this is not the country of American itself who is taking his property away from him for saying "don't bring any BLACKS to my games." I understand that "it" is a league and they have rules and regulations and statures and such. But, how many games could any one person go to, and hear the "N" word said repeatedly by the many players that are in that same league. He used the word BLACKS.

    It was also an unlawful recording of a man made while he was speaking in his OWN HOME, not while he was out on league property, sponsoring league products, or hanging out with league players, or owners.

    I guess no one else has a problem with this scenario. But then lets change up the scenario all together. Now the wife brokers a deal to sell the team for 2 billion dollars and claims that she now has sole control to be able to do this because Donald has early onset dementia or Alzheimer's. She has two doctors who are willing to swear to this. The league has no problem with this and is more than willing to let this sale go through. So the league is now willing to take the property of a man who DOESN'T UNDERSTAND THINGS because he said he didn't want his girlfriend to bring blacks to his games, still in an illegal recording that even if he knew about he probably wouldn't have understood. Maybe he didn't understand what he was saying. After all he is incompetent, remember. If the man is incompetent how can they take his property from him for something he said. That would be like taking a child's toys when they say, "Mommy, that man is big." They don't understand they are hurting the man's feelings. They just know he is big.

    Again, I don't personally know Donald Sterling and whether he is really a pig or not. I know nothing about the man. But I do know this is one of the biggest examples of racism I have ever seen, and as usual it is directed at a white person.

  4. Thank you, 622, you have the handle ham what Mr. Sterling is going through on this. It is a shame that he has to go through what he is going through, but idiots want his money and are willing to cut throats to get there!

    That is the true shame.

  5. He sounds like a real man. Some may not like him but at least he doesn't let people push him around. I wish he was in politics in Washington because he would at least speak up for what he believes, not crawl under the table like most of them do.

  6. Does anyone understand why courts can not and will not side with Mr Sterling?

  7. When someone has his kind of cash you can pretty much call the shots. His wife is a pig and I'm sure he gets more p**** thrown at him than 10 guys can handle. I'm sure he doesn't care about anyone's opinion.


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