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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

State Passes Law To Ban Islamic Law

North Carolina is one of the latest states to pass a law that bans Islamic law. The state passed this without the signature of the governor. It is the seventh state to pass a law such as this. The law makes it to where judges aren’t allowed to consider Islamic laws during trials. Governor McCrory let the bill slide through on his desk without signing.

He said that the law is not necessary, but he didn’t do anything about trying to veto the bill. There are other southern states that have passed laws similar to this. Those who support the bill believe that it will protect the standards of American citizens. Foreign laws are not compatible with the laws of the United States, so they should not be considered when someone is in trial. However, the critics of the bill claim that the only thing it is doing is creating Muslim hatred. This is because there are already laws in the Constitution that override foreign ones. Some are saying that it is intended to alienate the Muslim community, getting them out of the state. This law is only limited to family courts, but some states have extended the their bills to cover commercial and other courts.



  1. What about banning "christian law"? The hypocrisy lives on!

  2. What about the 1st Amendment?! If both parties agree to use Sharia principles in a family court case, why shouldn't they be allowed to?

    1. change your religion to Muslim then ask yourself the same question

  3. Sounds like a buch of pro radical Muslims on here if u want sharia go back to ur radical country and practice it there this is a CHRISTIAN COUNTRY

  4. They can go ahead and ban it now, but it won't matter. Didn't they do the same thing with gay marriage laws and look where that got them. Nowhere. I seem to remember a bunch of states passing laws banning gay marriage "ahead of the stream" because they were not going to have it in their state. Where did that go? The Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional and now all of those states HAVE to accept gay marriage whether they want to or not. Those laws aren't worth the paper they were written on.

    This country no longer honors the laws that the people pass. The politicians break the law all the time and not one thing happens to them. Look at the IRS and the laws they have broken recently. Look at the all the politicians who have been caught breaking the law. The president's office no longer honors laws that he doesn't want to honor. Does anything happen to these people? Nope.

    You can believe that Muslim law cases will arise. How many Muslims are now in this country? How many more are coming in with the border issue in the south? They aren't just Mexicans and El Salvadorians coming in, you can believe that.

    But when the cases get here you can believe that "they" will find a way to get around the laws that are being passed now. If nothing else, it will be an ACLU issue. There is always someone to help the wrong get through.

  5. Since this is a "Christian country" love thy neighbor as thyself!!! Should Catholics leave as well??

  6. Don't they have anything better to do? This is way down the list of things to be concerned about.

  7. Can anyone name one court case here that was decided on Muslim law? Solution looking for a problem, but hey it passes the time instead of doing anything useful.

  8. Send all the loving Muslims back home.

  9. 102, yes, I'm with you. However, we have freedom of, not from, religion here, and if your religion calls for killing people you feel are of a different belief, and you follow through or attempt to, we have laws against that, too, so you may be better off in another country with that belief, among others...


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