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Thursday, July 24, 2014

SPD Searching For 19yo Rob Odell

Salisbury Police ‏
SPD search for missing 19yoa Rob Odell. Last seen wearing all white + red sneakers. Missing from area near Ward Museum. Call SPD w/info

*Posted by SPD on twitter*


  1. A red haired oriental, I presume?

  2. 6:30 what the heck is that supposed to mean?

  3. I am guessing this is related to the other post about the police commotion in that area earlier.

  4. 652, they have his name and identity, but only give the public 10% of a description.

    Do they really want our help, or are they just rattling their pot to make it look like they give a crap?

    A real description would be proper. On a 95 degree day, LOTS of people are wearing "all white" out of pure common sense.

    THAT'S what I mean.

  5. Presume Dangerous? Off his Meds?, Anything?

  6. Anonymous said...
    652, they have his name and identity, but only give the public 10% of a description.

    Do they really want our help, or are they just rattling their pot to make it look like they give a crap?

    A real description would be proper. On a 95 degree day, LOTS of people are wearing "all white" out of pure common sense.

    THAT'S what I mean.

    July 24, 2014 at 7:21 AM


  7. Anonymous said...
    Presume Dangerous? Off his Meds?, Anything?

    July 24, 2014 at 7:40 AM

    Are you CRAZY!!! Crime is down in Salisbury!! Ask Jim Liaraton, Matt Marshmellow and Barb Dunkin Donuts!


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