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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

SNAP Overpaid $2B in Benefits; Program Dollars Up 146% in 6 Years

(CNSNews.com) - The nation's food stamp program, formally known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), provided a record $74.6 billion in benefits to needy Americans in Fiscal Year 2012 -- paying out $2 billion too much, according to the annual quality control report for FY 2012, the most recent year for which data is available.

And only in Washington could that $2 billion in overpayments be viewed as a good thing.

Combining the $2,069,402,427 in overpayments with the $484,885,314 in underpayments for fiscal 2012 yields a "payment error rate" of 3.42 percent. "This remains the lowest national payment error rate in the history of SNAP,"the report noted. (The 3.42 percent payment error rate is the sum of the FY 2012 overpayment rate -- 2.77 percent -- and the underpayment rate --0.65 percent.)


1 comment:

  1. well if they paid that much money over then how come I cant get any? I work, I pay rent, pay all my bills and still find it hard to afford food. Is it because I don't have 10 kids and bum off the system? Because the last time I went into social services all them women seem to look pretty darn well off. and I can only get 12 dollars a month? that's a couple gallons of milk and 2 loafs of bread the system should really start evaluating itself and realize how over run they are.


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