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Monday, July 14, 2014

Sheila ‘dumb as a bag of hammers’ Jackson Lee declared border under control


  1. First, the border should have been closed to undocumented people for the last 238 years. Why it is now open and flowing hundreds of thousands of people is somehow not an issue here"Just how to "Handle the influx"???????????

    Is this woman insane, or just a Mexican?

  2. That's an insult to hammers!

  3. Her legislative district was set up by Democrats where the population is 85% black. Now you draw your own conclusions on how she was elected.

  4. "Dumb as" doesn't quite paint the full picture. "Dumber than" is more appropriate.

  5. 85% of her constituents are black and this is the best they could elect?

  6. Leave Aunt Ester alone.
    F. Sanford

  7. Affirmative action - one of their best examples......rates right up there with the White House!

  8. The "photo op" comment made by Obama was ridiculous. If it were to have been a "photo op" it would have been by his own doing.
    Journalists could have been banned.
    Unfortunately most Obama supporters are too stupid to realize this fact and fall time and time again for his lies.
    He's never fooled me though. I'm too smart.

  9. She and her type are just what is wrong with this country. Stupid coward who depends on her minority status to get her thru the day.


  10. Class action suit coming on behalf of the Hammer Manufacturer's Association for slandering their product with this comparison!


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