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Saturday, July 19, 2014

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl to return to duty with US Army on MONDAY

The US Army confirmed Monday that Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl is returning to active duty just four weeks on from his return to the United States after five years as a Taliban captive - and will be working behind a desk.

'To use a slang term, he will be working a desk job,' Col. Steve Warren, a spokesman for the Pentagon, told ABC News.

'Sgt. Bergdahl is not restricted in any way,' he said, noting Bergdahl will reside in noncommissioned barracks. 'He is a normal soldier now.'

Col. Scott Bleichwell offered a similar description in a phone interview with MailOnline.

'It's an office job within the headquarters - just general office work,' he said.



  1. And what would all of you had him do?

  2. He should go back to his combat post.

  3. Another Obama cover-up of a terrorist. He should have at least been given a dishonorable discharge. It's a disgrace to the military to not discipline him. Obama has destroyed most departments of government and he's working hard now trying to destroy what is left of the once great military. Why do you think he purged the military of so many of the top brass?

  4. he's just as normal as Hassan, the fort hood muslim that that committed workforce violence, terrorism as we know it. we have normal soldiers returning home with PTSD, bergdahl was a prisoner of war and in a few weeks he's good to go? boy is that a stretch.

  5. I would have him making little rocks out of big rocks. Does that answer your question 8:22?

  6. I would have testing a firing squad wall.


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