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Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Protestors allege firefighter delay after fire kills 4 kids

The protest escalated when a ladder truck was trying to move out of the firehouse and several people laid down on the street to block its path

Two people were arrested Monday night after residents gathered outside a fire station to protest what they say was a delayed response to a weekend row house fire that killed four young children.

About 200 residents turned out at the fire station after an afternoon community meeting to demand answers on firefighters' response to the blaze, which destroyed eight homes in Southwest Philadelphia. The protest drew dozens of police officers and resulted in several clashes.

Residents, some wearing T-shirts emblazoned with photos of the children, chanted "liars" outside the fire station, The Philadelphia Inquirer reported. The protest escalated when a ladder truck was apparently trying to move out of the firehouse and several people laid down on the street, blocking its path, according to the newspaper. Officers moved in and grabbed them by their legs to pull them back.



  1. "afternoon community meeting"

    A community meeting. How pleasant does that sound. I can hardly imagine what it would be called if white people were protesting something.

  2. Liberians? Tell them foreigners to go back to their own country. I am sick of these illegals coming to our country and demand we constantly give to them. They are uncivilized savages. Worse than the savages we already have.

  3. Are they Muslims complaining?

  4. Just think. If those people had jobs they wouldn't have time for this crap.

  5. As a parent I would never leave my kids behind. They would be out before I would be.

  6. Firefighters,
    Welcome to the party.

    Yours truly,

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Welcome to the party.

    Yours truly,

    July 9, 2014 at 12:30 PM

    Doing wrong is now a party? Must be since it is done so often.

  8. Where were the parents of the 4 children? Obviously not watching them, but it's the firefighters fault. The Muslims are saying it took 30 minutes fro them to get there and go in service. I am sure that is a lie. The FD clocks everything and said it was 10 minutes.

    What was the person with the watch doing when the fire started? He/she kept watch their watch instead of trying to rescue the kids? Now who you gonna believe.

  9. after reading the entire article, it sounds like the initial report phoned into 911 was not accurate. Firefighters respond based upon the situation called into dispatch, don't they? Why wasn't the severity of the fire reported accurately?
    1) Language barrier- maybe dispatch couldn't understand the callers heavy accent/language spoken
    2) Maybe person that called in was drunk or high, causing verbal skills to be less than understandable.
    But, you can't fault the fireman for people leaving kids behind in the burning home. Overall, a Sad, sad tragedy for all.But lay off the blame game.


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