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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Prosecutor’s Probe Finds Fatal Shooting ‘Justified’

SALISBURY — The Wicomico County State’s Attorney’s Office this week announced an investigation into the shooting death of a Salisbury man by Maryland State Police troopers in March was justified under the circumstances and no charges will be filed against the officers.

Around 8:15 p.m. on March 18, Winfield C. Fisher, 32, of Salisbury, entered the MSP Salisbury barrack and asked the duty officer, Cpl. Anthony Myers, to check a vehicle repair after he had received a safety equipment repair order. During what was otherwise a routine task completed several times throughout most days at the MSP barrack, Myers noticed the strong odor of marijuana coming from Fisher’s person and even from the paper repair order he had just slid under the window.

Myers later testified he questioned Fisher about the odor of marijuana and asked if he could search him. Fisher agreed and the search of his person revealed nothing, but Fisher became increasingly agitated, sweated profusely and had his pulse visibly accelerated, according to Myer’s testimony.



  1. What kind of moron smokes dope on his way to the police department? He (Fisher) set everything in motion.

  2. so were drugs ever found? blood test ran? sounds like this could just have easily been the case of a citizen getting fed up with an overzealous cop, then paying the price for resisting an unsubstantiated search

  3. Good deal! They got it correct.

  4. Regardless of the outcome of this event, the policeman initiated the confrontation and is 100% responsible for what happened. No human nose is infallible, or even compares favorably to a dog nose. There was not a "reasonable cause"

  5. Good, Have some RESPECT for the law and the people who enforce it.

  6. just another case of police policing them selves. the truth will never be known.there is so many issues with this i could bring up. ill mention just two to start with.wheres the drugs this officer smelled that caused all this? this is why some states are outlawing this ploy police use when they want to enter your house or car. second the offer stated he was halfway inside the car [witch leaves one to wonder how he was pinned if he was inside as he stated] so witch is it is he half way inside the car or is he being dragged so badly as he claims that he couldnt let go for fear of being run over? but wait he did let go didnt he how else was he to draw his gun? either way these cops killed a man simply because they thought he was smoking pot. wow killed for doing something that is a $100 fine in this state.

  7. 12:45 enforce respectable laws, not arbitrary ones

  8. When the police officer meets the Devil in hell he will then regret his decision to kill a man in cold blood.

    1. Great job police keep knocking off these thugs one at a time)....:)

  9. 1:36 The most stupid decision being the one where the officer reached inside the car to begin with.

  10. 1:36 how about the stupidity of the offer stating he smelled pot. when the facts are there was not pot to speak of? this is a case of an overzealous desk jockey who cost a mans life for nothing simply nothing.

  11. you know this wouldnt be so bad if the cops story made sense. at fist in his dept; he stated he was half way inside the car. latter he changed that story to be he was outside the car caught [ hes not sure how] in the wedge of the door being dragged hanging on for dear life so much so he dare not let go in fear of being run over yet this cop with the nose of a blood hound was able even though he couldnt let go without fear of being swept under the car to reach his holster unlatch his gun from his belt take it off safety and shoot the man in the head.

  12. 11:48 YES DRUGS WERE FOUND IN THE CAR!!!!! READ!!!!! Yes there was also drugs in FISHER'S system! Anything else you want to ask, instead of reading? The police did the right thing! If you have read all of the information provided about this case you would know that!

  13. 2:18 what do you mean there was not pot to speak of? I take it you mean they didn't find any drugs? Guess what Yes they did find Marijuana in the vehicle! Come correct! Please read all the info, before you comment, then you will not look as stupid as you do!

  14. @2:23 Fisher was shot in the TORSO - not the HEAD!!!! BIG DIFFERENCE!!!!

  15. 2:53 and 2:57 If you read the full article in the Dispatch it doesn't make any reference to them finding drugs in his car or system.

    Also the statements attributed to the officers in the article don't make any sense.
    For instance this:

    "Fisher made a dash for the door and got into his vehicle, which he had backed in with the motor running. Myers grabbed Fisher, but the suspect was able to get behind the wheel of the running vehicle. Myers attempted to let go of Fisher, but got caught or “wedged in” near the open door and ultimately got dragged across the parking lot."
    In the first sentence it is stated that Fisher was in the car. In the next sentence it states Myers grabbed Fisher and then Fisher got behind the wheel of the car. These two statements don't agree with each other. If the article in the Dispatch is accurate then Officer Myers made a lot of conflicting and (to me)confusing statements in his affidavit.

    Normally if a suspect in a crime does this he is arrested because the police presume him to be guilty.

  16. No human nose is infallible, or even compares favorably to a dog nose. There was not a "reasonable cause"

    July 25, 2014 at 12:21 PM

    dogs are not as reliable as 'they' would like you to believe. many more false positives than the real thing.

  17. 1:40 A. There is no devil, B. There is no hell and C. You're an idiot.

    Anybody who is defending the criminal asshat, is probably a criminal too. Soft MF'ers in da bury.

    Good job officer! Take out a few more!

  18. NOBODY should lose their life over pot, of all things. just another egotistical kop.


  20. Thank God!!

    Good work officers.

    Salisbury is down one less criminal due to your excellent work. Keep up the good work.

  21. good work officers more than 1 out of 100 Americans are in prison, only 99 out of 100 left to arrest

  22. I'm guessing that the goof at 5:07 is including himself (LOL!) in the remaining 99%. Or perhaps his school just promoted him even though his math skills were so obviously deficient.
    Or, is he saying that ALL Americans are criminals who merely haven't been taught a lesson by the gestapo?
    Or both?

  23. Here is the deal morons.....if you put a cops life in jeopardy you may die...they are trained to shoot to kill and looks like it works.

  24. This is 5:07 IMclain u goof--where i'm from u don't say that from a keyboard sissy, luckily i am out of prison. Though i am doing life on the installment plan and am on house arrest currently. I did include myself in the number, and if u like state-issued credentials, like GEDs and diplomas, i happen to have a BA, not a BS like u

  25. well imclain, u fall-down goof, since i've been deported back to this gulag archipelago of america three times, i do include myself.

    Fortunately, since i left the bury, i'm no longer on house arrest, i can leave my house without getting arrested for sum pig saying i smell like the weed.

  26. 4:19, Be assured I will pray for your immortal soul tonight that it doesn't end up in hell.
    I'm not defending Fisher (if he was doing drugs he was an idiot), but he didn't deserve to be murdered by Officer Myers on a suspicion. No matter what the State found Officer Myers still murdered Fisher. Officer Myers states he shot Fisher because he felt his life was in danger. Officer Myers put his own life in danger by reaching through the car. If Officer Myers had been trying to apprehend a suspected or known murderer then his actions including reaching into the car would have been appropriate. However Fisher was not a known murderer or even a known felon. All Officer Myers had was a suspicion of pot smoking. Substitute drinking two beers for pot smoking and realize how stupid the comments are about Fisher being a criminal. Most people would be pissed if Fisher had been murdered for drinking 2 beers during a DUI stop. Yes I know Fisher had a record, but Myers didn't know this at the time and in a court of law a previous record may not be admitted. All he had to do was note the tag number and a warrant could have been issued and Fisher could then be picked up legally and peacefully at any time.
    Hopefully Officer Myers is praying every night for forgiveness and acknowledging his error.

    5:20, 5:07 is being sarcastic. The way the country is going everyone soon will be locked up because everything will be illegal.

  27. If this had happened between 2 civilians the shooter would have been charged with manslaughter by the states attorney and a jury would have determined guilt or innocence.

  28. " Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I'm very knowledgeable about this case. Your comments have pissed me off , but , of course I know that some idiots will comment about issues they know nothing about.
    Our justice system worked well in this case , bravo to the officer who almost lost his life because of this stupid man making stupid decisions.

    July 25, 2014 at 1:36 PM"
    Police, however, are more equal than others.

    Holy cow, you piss me off with your assinine comment. Shooting someone in retreat of an attack is totally illegal, but only for lowlife citizens.

  29. 6:58 PM

    Thank you. I need all the prayers I can get.

  30. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Here is the deal morons.....if you put a cops life in jeopardy you may die...they are trained to shoot to kill and looks like it works.

    July 25, 2014 at 5:47 PM

    Some jeopardy. Most kops can't hit the broad side of a barn. They have to shoot full mags and still miss and hit civilians. These losers must have been lucky or close.

  31. 10:42 Why do you feel you need prayers if you don't believe in hell. Since you don't believe in hell then you can't believe in God. Therefore you can't believe in the power of prayer. Therefore you are either a hypocrite or a DA. If you're not sure what a DA is ask Jeff Dunhams dummy Walter.

  32. "Shooting someone in retreat of an attack is totally illegal, but only for lowlife citizens."

    SO, maybe you can cite the law that prohibits an officer from "shooting someone in retreat of an attack"? I'm anxious to see this.

  33. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    10:42 Why do you feel you need prayers if you don't believe in hell. Since you don't believe in hell then you can't believe in God. Therefore you can't believe in the power of prayer. Therefore you are either a hypocrite or a DA. If you're not sure what a DA is ask Jeff Dunhams dummy Walter.

    July 25, 2014 at 11:26 PM

    Obviously you are a DA since you can't follow a conversation and know who is speaking about what.

  34. SO, maybe you can cite the law that prohibits an officer from "shooting someone in retreat of an attack"? I'm anxious to see this.

    July 26, 2014 at 7:33 AM

    Obviously there is no law that states that since kops kill innocent people and their pets EVERY DAY!

  35. "Obviously there is no law"

    Huh??? You're the one that claimed there was such a law. Why is it that the LEAST-informed are always the ones with the strongest opinions????

  36. Show up at a police barracks smelling like dope + run when a cop tells you to stop = stupidity. He (Fisher) has only himself to blame. Cop was just doing his job. If you dont give them a reason you have nothing to worry about. I am tired of the blame game. Whateve happened to taking responsibility for your own actions?

  37. So 4:40 it is ok for the Police Officer to be Judge, Jury and Executioner. What ever happened to presumption of innocence.
    What if it had been a teenager who smelled like cigarettes or beer. Both offenses as illegal as smoking pot. Would it have been ok.
    Killing someone for smelling like pot sounds like the tactics the Gestapo used in Nazi Germany not the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.
    Just to make it clear anyone who does drugs or smokes cigarettes or gets drunk is a fool.

  38. Excellent work officer.

  39. letting a man who reeks of marijuana and has a visibly accelerated pulse-clear signs of drug impairment- get into a vehicle, then go stand in front to check its headlights=pure stupidity.

    Trying to stop a moving car brilliant Game theory says sure recipe for disaster

  40. If the commenters were the actual jury they would currently be deadlocked.

  41. Cops rarely ever get charged no matter what the circumstances are. I remember the incident in Somerset where the old man was shot in the head in his car after his car had run off the road. There were no drugs and the man was disabled and could not get out of the car and the trooper shot him in the head. Trooper was not charged in that case either.

  42. Law abiding citizenJuly 27, 2014 at 11:55 AM

    @8:48 The reason Mr. Fisher was shot was not because he smelled like dope. That was only the beginning. He wss shot because he tried to run from a cop who repeatedlt asked him to stop. And his biggest mistake was trying to drive away while dragging the officer with him. THAT is why he was shot and killed. The officer had every right to shoot when he felt his life was in danger. Had Mr.Fisher cooperated with the officer he may be alive today. Had he not gone to a police barracks smelling like dope he would be alive today. YOU and people like YOU are the frickin problem. Always blaming someone else for YOUR stupid a$$ mistakes. Take some frickin responsibility for YOUR own actions, you moron and stop blaming everyone else!

  43. I must comment again after reading these again.
    Our justice system has served the proper verdict in this case.
    Whether you like it or not , if not , you may want to move to a more desirable country like the middle east or Africa or maybe central America , or Cuba . They will treat you well.

  44. Law abiding citizen @ 11:55:

    A lot of people in the Colonies felt the same way you did in the 1770's as well as people in Germany in the 1930's. Fortunately there were patriotic peoples that didn't want a police state or a repressive government. But I see times may be regressing again with the progressives in charge of government.
    In the old days deadly force was only used on killers. I know you and a lot of others won't accept this but Corporal Myers put his own life in danger when he reached in the car. Why did he reach in the car when he knew the identity of the guy. There wasn't any need to. Myers made a poor decision and needlessly caused a man to die. For that decision alone his usefulness on the Police force is suspect.
    After all if you kill once you will kill again. At least that's what a lot of people say.

  45. 2nd 11:55 commenter: I'd rather not move to those places(by the way only one of them is a country) because that's what the police do there. Shoot citizens for any reason. Yes the policeman's life was in danger but only because he had needlessly put his life in danger.

  46. 10:49 you are absolutely 100% correct.

  47. 11:55 naive, cops protecting cops is all this was. There is no justice system when a cop reviews another cops murder, it will ALWAYS be justified.

  48. 11:55 if the cop had followed protocol and not wrongly immersed himself into the person vehicle I am sure Mr. Fisher would not be dead.
    You are the moron.
    The cop made the mistake putting himself in harms way, by forcing himself into danger.

  49. I certainly hope this murderer Myers meets an untimely end...Karma baby.
    He searched the guy who consented. Nothing found. End of contact. Period. Anything more is way beyond legal. I believe the officers planted the weed to cover their butts to get away with murder.
    They have a tendency to do that.
    They also have a tendency to side with their brothers in blue kinda like omerta you know... the State controlled mercenary mafia investigating itself never loses.

  50. 1:29, Karma is a b, never wish an untimely end on anyone no matter what the circumstance.

  51. Seems simple to me
    Obey the law and respect the police and everything will be fine

  52. Funny, 613! Roll over!

  53. Huh??? You're the one that claimed there was such a law. Why is it that the LEAST-informed are always the ones with the strongest opinions????

    July 26, 2014 at 10:08 AM

    no, I was making a comment. But I understand you can't follow along.

  54. until we have citizen review boards the kops will continue to investigate themselves (good luck with that one). What's wrong with having citizens review cases of alleged police abuse? no blue wall?

  55. real convenient I make a comment about how it is impossible to ssmell oder of weed the truth a bullet proof window the MSP has and here is yet another release saying how they could smell it...

    Don't you all just love that? how they can lie and are able to so called obtain probable cause? for smelling something?

  56. @1:02 So are you saying Mr. Fisher should take no responsibility? He was a known drug dealer. But I guess that has nothing to do with it. And I agree the trooper should never have put is hand inside Mr. Fisher's car. He put his own self in danger. there was no need when he had the identity of the suspect. But the same could be said for Mr. Fisher. Why did he disobey a police officer and try to drive away when they knew his identity? Growing up I was taught respect and to abide by the law. Reading most of these comments tells me most of you were not. Why as a society are we always blaming someone else for our mistakes? Do I think the trooper could smell weed through the glass window? No I do not but I do know you should obey a law enforcement officer when he tells you to stop! And I do know you should not go to a State Police Barracks with weed in your car!

  57. 11:07 So what you're saying is it is ok for the police to kill someone for suspicion of marijuana possession. You aren't alone the States Attorney and a lot of other people agree with you. Kind of reminds me of the old war movies where the Gestapo officer orders the man to stop (because he believes he is a Jew or an enemy of the State) and then shoots him for running away. Well he deserved it he was a trouble maker.

  58. 11:07, i agree both do bear fault for what transpired. it is stupid to take an illegal substance to the cop shop. Mr. Fisher did assume responsibility for his actions and paid with his life. Officer Myers bore no responsibility for his.

  59. To those comparing Fisher to our fore fathers did some take a crap in your skull. Really dude how many times did you get pimped in jail. You wreak of a jail house lawyer. I also see you posted at least five other times. Truthfully how much time did u do. Lets see if you are man enough to tell yuor fellow partiots what you did lol. You have the stench of convict all over your crooked person. Dont speak for Patriots you peace of crap. You are and will forever be a convict. I know who you are.

  60. 2:03 I made some comments about Nazi Germany and also our fore fathers so if you are referring to me I have never been in jail, never been arrested, and except for 2 parking and 4 speeding tickets over 20 years ago never had any personal interaction with the police other than friends who are in various departments throughout the country. Matter of fact I'm retired from the military and do know about patriotism and killing people.


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