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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Plan to Divide Large State Into 6 States

A plan to divide California into six separate states is no longer just a fantasy. It has now moved into the realm of real politics.

A Silicon Valley venture capitalist, Tim Draper, has spent $5.2 million to push the plan. He's gathered enough signatures to put it before California voters in November 2016.

Draper says dividing California into 6 states would bring prosperity, more responsive local governments, and more local control to deliver jobs, education and services in his six dream states. Says Draper, "We need to do something structural, something fresh. If we don’t try, we’re failing in our complacency."

Of course it is being met with resistance. Critics say the plan is short-sighted and would mostly benefit flag makers, elected officials, lawyers, and Draper himself.



  1. It would also put more liberals in to the house and senate!

    We have 100% too many there already!


  2. Would not necessarily change those elected to the House which has a fixed number of representatives.

    But it would give the current CA land mass 12 senators instead of 2.

    That would be a problem since CA already has a surplus of idiots masquerading as 'public servants'.

  3. IC good for Delmarva bad for California. Maybe now you see the problem with these ideas about dividing states. Or are you just hypocrites?

  4. Cut it off and let it float out in the ocean.


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