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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Perdue finally admits hexane's “environmental factor” by Ray Wallace

For over four years Perdue has been encouraging Pennsylvanians to ignore its publicly-opposed, soybean-to-oil factory plans to daily and permanently release large amounts of the deadly neurotoxin hexane into the air of The Garden Spot of America.
Now the following, long-overdue admission appears, of all places, in an out-of-state Perdue Farms job description:
     The environmental factors and/or physical requirements of this position include the following....
     Exposed to air born dust, chemicals such as hexane [and] ethanol.


  1. "...plans to daily and permanently release large amounts of the deadly neurotoxin hexane into the air..."
    Somehow I don't think that wording is from the site proposal.
    Hexane is commonly used in food manufacturing, e.g.
    "Hexane is a solvent made from crude oil. In the food industry, hexane is used to extract the vegetable oil from plant seeds such as canola, soybeans, sunflowers and corn because it is more efficient and less expensive than squeezing out the oil with presses."

  2. Take that all of you supporters of Purdue, the same thing is happening all around Delmarva, your being poisoned and you keep defending them!

  3. That is so falsified... no hexane at a poultry processing plant!!! Hexane is used in the extraction of oils from soybeans, used at their refineries...lets get real!

  4. Anon 8:56am, exposure does not mean being poisoned. You are exposed to carbon dioxide every day, is it poisoning you?

  5. Interesting to look at their job site - they have a number of hi-tech positions open for quite a while. Either nobody is applying - or they're too selective regarding who they want to work for them...both are results of the IT and Finance layoffs from a couple of years ago.

  6. 8:27-anytime anything is introduced to the human body that wasn't meant to be there, there are dangers. This includes life saving medicines.
    Anyone who thinks these chemicals are okay are only fooling themselves.

  7. Go ahead. Keep biting the hand that feeds you.

  8. There is a oil plant that uses hexane on zion rd

  9. The hand that feeds you? He is worth 2 billion dollars are you? He makes his money by not paying the people who make him money. He has gotten rich while you all work for peanuts. You have all been trapped in the perdue myth for so long you don't know any better. He cares about money...

  10. 5:53 that isn't what every business owner cares about???? If he doesn't pay folks I wonder why so many of us stay for so long and retire HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY Thanks Perdue!


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