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Sunday, July 06, 2014

People Can't Be This Stupid.....Or Can They?

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  1. Unfortunately, I'm afraid so. I see this kind of "ignorance" more every day. We have our poorly government run education system to thank. They don't want people to learn anything, so they can better control them. And then there's the one who referred to obama's america. Whew, that's a real eye roller, huh. :-(

  2. We really need to teach American history in our schools. I, of course, mean the truth about our history, not the Obama version.

  3. Keep drinking the fluoridated water, it dumbs you down. People wanted proof well there it is.

  4. They can and they are.

  5. Welcome to Common Core America. Ask these idiots who Robert E. Lee is and they will look at you like a deer caught in head lights.

  6. What I find more interesting is the idiots that retweeted and the number of favorites.

  7. Look at the names, Obama voters!

  8. I heard someone say the illegals actually help our economy. The reasoning was because they work cheaper and longer hours. smfh

  9. and they vote...

  10. But the businesses that don't have illegals suffer that is why any business owner hiring them should go to jail.

  11. Anonymous said...
    I heard someone say the illegals actually help our economy. The reasoning was because they work cheaper and longer hours. smfh

    July 4, 2014 at 11:32 PM

    It used to be against the law to hire an illegal. Now it's encouraged and you get tax credits.

  12. Just proves that the liberal democrats are still out there and continuing to prove their dumb.

  13. Not nearly enough comments on this one.Proof that most of those reading this post see nothing incorrect about it.Duh gee is there something I'm missing here?

  14. I bet they were all students of Jim Ireton and John Fredericksen.

  15. This is sad,its hard to belive its americans saying this.Teachers, all teachers,should be embarassed by this.

  16. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Just proves that the liberal democrats are still out there and continuing to prove their dumb.

    July 5, 2014 at 10:46 AM

    lol I always get a kick out of people like you who call others dumb but yet cannot form a correct sentence. Good job.

  17. Jul 5, 2014 at 10:45 am:
    the tweets are ridiculous. your comment is what made me have to say something. otherwise i would have kept on scrolling through like most people with a brain did after reading the tweets. what a waste of time.


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