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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Pending Home Sales Tumble From Recovery Highs, Biggest Miss In 2014

Following last week's collapse in new home sales [6] (and last month's massive beat and surge in pending home sales), it was likely not a total surprise that pending home sales would slow, but the -1.1% MoM print is the worst in 2014 (and the biggest miss in 2014). The median existing home price continues to rise (up 4.3% year-over-year) but this is the slowest rate of gain since March 2012. NAR is quick with the excuses and this time.. no weather is to blame.

From biggest beat to biggest miss in 2014...



  1. The prices still don't match the market.

    There hasn't been a "recovery" since the great recession/depression started in 2008. Until wages or prices start to go down and real jobs come back, there won't be a "recovery"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Scott - There is a whole big country out there on the other side of the Bay. Recovery has and is happening in certain areas. The shore isn't one of them.

  4. 12:14
    You must be a Democrat. I deal with the unemployed and speak to people from all over the country on a daily basis. The jobs that are out there are few and far between. Most of them and now part time with less than 30 hours per week pay little more that minimum wage or less than 10 dollars per hour. Look around you! Nationwide retail stores and chains are closing or about to close.
    Yes there may be some recovery in certain areas, but the country as a whole isn't doing all that great. In another words 12:14 you are full of S**t!!!!

  5. Thanks to our anti business mayor and gov , all they care about is the hand out crowd to buy there dem vote.

  6. You can't believe what the media tells you because every other day the housing numbers are up then it's down.

    1. I bet u live in sub Obama hosing.


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