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Friday, July 25, 2014

Overwhelming Public Attendance, Outrage Postpones Meeting On Proposed Frederick Gun Range

FREDERICK, Md. (WJLA) – Outrage by hundreds of people delayed a major meeting on a proposed Frederick gun range on Thursday night.

When the Frederick County Board of Appeals called the July 24 meeting, it was clear it never expected such an overwhelming response from the public. So many people showed up to talk that the meeting was postponed. Those opposed to the gun range insist their show of force sent a clear message.

Longtime activist Doug Kaplan, of the Sugarloaf Alliance, says this is a first for public hearings in Frederick.

“This is probably the largest crowd that this county has ever seen on any issue,” he said.

So many citizens showed up to testify against the building of a gun range near Sugarloaf Mountain, that the line to get in snaked around the government building.



  1. Frederick...A good place to rob people !

  2. Stray bullets? B.S.
    I can think of something MUCH worse. Stray liberals!

  3. 8:54
    I wouldn't try that if I were you. You apparently don't know that area very well. Most of the people that live in this particular area are not liberals. Many have lived in the area for generations. It's beautiful in that area. It is nothing like you would expect for Montgomery or Frederick County. There are several farms and thoroghbred horse farms in that area and Im sure you know horses and gunfire don't work well together. Sugarloaf mountain is a great place to visit or pinic away from the hustle and bustle of the rest of the county. Frederick County is not a liberal county......close to it but still not it. It didn't get the nickname Fredneck by being liberal. Putting a gun range in this area would be like putting on on Assateague.

  4. Obama had them bused in....all Section 8 Ghetto folks...

  5. Well move it to the eastern shore. I also hope it is a indoor range. Gof knows we can use the jobs

  6. 10:08 I'm not a criminal but it's good advertising for those that are...And if you can't put a gun range in the country where the hell DO you put one?

  7. I built my own. 1200 yards at the longest station, with a close range obstacle course for 3 gun training. Wish I could cover it all, but it gets the job done. All free, with no one looking over my shoulder.

  8. They are right to object for a lot of reasons.

    Ranges to need to be well placed.

  9. 9:27
    They need to put it in a different place in the county. This areas has been set up because people like to visit to get away from the noise. The enjoy the peace and quiet. Millions have been invested in this area because of the peacefulness of it. There are several thoroughbreed horse farms there, Wineries and a few places that are wedding venues. This does not include Sugarloaf mountain and the things to do there. They are not against the gun range in the county. This is just not a good place to put it in the county.


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