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Sunday, July 20, 2014

O’Malley: I Was Just Trying To Protect The Migrants From My Racist Constituents

It’s not that Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley doesn’t want the child migrants in Maryland — he was just trying to protect them from his racist constituents.

O’Malley, who’s been a vocal critic of the Obama administration for its efforts to return the migrant children to their home countries, came under fire this week when a conversation was leaked in which he asked a top White House adviser not to send any of the migrants to his state.

“Please don’t send these kids to western Maryland,” he told White House domestic policy adviser Cecilia Munoz on Friday.



  1. yeah I'm racist I love everyone but Democrats the true dregs of society

  2. spoken like a true Politico.
    Get a life O'Malley!

  3. I've been to Western Maryland a lot... he's not wrong.

  4. I think O'Malley should join Obama on his two week vacation in Massachusetts. That's two weeks they will not be busy trying to destroy our Country. And please take Anthony Brown Nose with you.

  5. Obama Crooked BastardoJuly 16, 2014 at 6:16 PM

    Hey Marty, who pays your salary? The "Migrants" or Maryland Taxpayers? If uou want to "represent" the so called "Migrants", move to Latin America and get paid not by American Dollars but Mexican Pesos. Oh, I see, when Socialist Democrat doesn't get his way, he calls everyone Racist? Did ypu borrow a page from OhBama's Communist Manifest Playbook?

  6. “Please don’t send these kids to western Maryland,” he told White House domestic policy adviser Cecilia Munoz on Friday.

    Are you joking??? It's ok to send them to EASTERN MD.???!!!

    Get over yourself you hypocrite.

  7. Just like his daddy, Obama...lies come naturally

  8. I think he speaks the truth. Can you just imagine the outcry on this blog if it was Salisbury rather than Westminster being considered for housing the illegals?

  9. Carroll County did a smart thing when they made English their official language. Think of all the money that they are saving. They print things in one language. That probably helped saved them in this fiasco also.

  10. 5:34 and 6:26 great retorts to a totally stupid concept

  11. Just send the kids here to the eastern shore. They would feel right at home with all the crime and unemployment.

  12. They need to stick with their first choice which was Baltimore City, which happens to be omally's home, and send them there. No racists there as proven by the city's overwhelming support of Obama.
    Problem is the city's democrat mayor axed that idea. What foul people these democrats are. They approve of these illegals but don't want them on their own turf.

  13. He's protecting them from his fellow Democrats... They have a long history from the start of the Klan, Jim Crow laws segregation and entitlements.

  14. I got news for all of you. Baltimore is by far the most racially tense place I have ever lived. The blacks hate the whites and the whites hate the blacks. I am not sure how everyone feels about mexicans but this new development might change things.

  15. If he really cared about the kids he would send them back to their home countries. Much safer than Baltimore.


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