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Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Obamacare's next threat: A September surprise

Obamacare open enrollment closed March 31. The White House’s Obamacare war room did not.

Most state health insurance rates for 2015 are scheduled to be approved by early fall, and most are likely to rise, timing that couldn’t be worse for Democrats already on defense in the midterms.

The White House and its allies know they’ve been beaten in every previous round of Obamacare messaging, never more devastatingly than in 2010. And they know the results this November could hinge in large part on whether that happens again.

So they’re trying to avoid — or at least, get ahead of — any September surprise.

(Also on POLITICO: Why liberals are abandoning the employer mandate)

Aware that state insurance rate hikes could give Republicans a chance to resurrect Obamacare as a political liability just weeks before the midterms, the White House’s internal health care enrollment outreach apparatus immediately redirected into a rapid-response, blocking-and-tackling research and press operation geared toward preempting GOP attacks on the issue.



  1. Well what do you expect - he made promises during his election! He Lied! No he will make THREATS - because you idiots BELIEVED his lies!!!!

  2. I know what it isJuly 9, 2014 at 3:31 PM

    his plane runs out of Fuel at 30,000 feet...I hope...I hope...I hope...

  3. This is what we get for believing in him. I just hope that everyone has to share the pain with this one.

  4. Democrats have done nothing to help this country. We were better off before o'mally and Obama took office.

  5. Liberals love stealing taxpayers hard earned dollars.

  6. 4:56 Gee thanks, and I didn't even vote for him in either election...


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