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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Obama: 'What Exactly Are They Trying To Hide?'

As heard live on WBAL, President Obama sternly called on Russian President Vladimir Putin to compel Kremlin-backed separatists to stop hampering the probe at the Ukraine site of a downed passenger jet and allow international investigators unfettered access.

"We have to make sure the truth is out and accountability exists," Obama said Monday from the South Lawn of the White House.

Obama accused the separatists of removing evidence and bodies from the site, actions that he said raise the question of "what exactly are they trying to hide?"



  1. "Make sure the truth is out...accountability..." Hello pot, this is kettle. Kettle, this is...Obama. What nerve he has. Of course Putinis not doing the right thing. He seems to be just following not B.O.'s footsteps and what he has been doing the last 6 years.

  2. Obama Crooked BastardoJuly 22, 2014 at 10:06 PM

    Is Barry O. ready to make his SEALED PERSONAL FILES AVAILABLE TO PUBLIC? Oh, I forgot, that doesn't apply to him, just do as I say, not as I do. When asked about Barry Obama., Putin responded: Quote "Well, Negotiating with Obama is like playing chess game with a Pigeon. He chaotically walks all over chessboard, knocking pieces over and then when there is no move for him to make, he takes a dump in the middle of the board. Then he storms out of the room and proclaims to everyone he won and flies off."

  3. Exactly 9:37PM, what nerve this POS has to speak of 'outing the truth' and 'accountability'. And, I have to ask him, "What exactly are YOU trying to hide?"
    He was a POS when he was a neighborhood organizer, he's a POS now and he'll always be a lying POS.

  4. So true 9:37. It makes one wonder how Obama can say such a thing with a straight face. Obama is a wimp and the whole world knows it and laughs at everything he says.

  5. I was gonna leave a post on here but 10:14 said it for me....

  6. Satan calling out his #1 angel.

  7. Someone should ask Obama what exactly is he trying to hide! But the loyal Cornholes like Chuck Cook and Jim Ireton aren't smart enough to do that.

  8. He's one to be calling for accountability & truth. I'd say the pot was calling the kettle black, but it would be labeled a racist remark.

  9. smoke and mirrors... false flag...

    Prob was the missing flight they could not find even with all the damn spy shit they use on us...

    even though they have tech than can read your txt message form a satellite in the sky down to the punctuation but they can't find the missing plane? its not missing that is why...


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