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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Obama sets out on Dem fundraising sprint amid mounting crises

President Obama set out Tuesday on a three-day West Coast fundraising tour, despite mounting domestic and global crises -- and criticism from Republicans that the administration is not taking them seriously enough.

The president already has taken heat for making time for a burger stop and fundraisers last week shortly after Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was downed over Ukraine, killing hundreds. While the president repeatedly has addressed the tragedy in public, he also spent his Sunday playing golf at Fort Belvoir.

Later Tuesday, Obama will attend a Democratic Party fundraiser in Seattle, before catching Air Force One to San Francisco. He'll end the three-day swing later this week in Los Angeles.

The White House has defended the president's busy political schedule, which the president's team largely has not changed in response to world events.



  1. This is such crap , we all know nothing will be done , he don't care , and at this point I don't either.
    6 years of crap and lies , we let him do it , so what's next on this agenda?


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