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Thursday, July 10, 2014

Obama administration tracking Muslim candidates for military, Pentagon positions

WASHINGTON — The administration of President Barack Obama has been identifying Muslims in the military in an effort to encourage their presence.

Officials said the Defense Department has been keeping records and tracking Muslims. They said the administration sought to attract Muslims both to the military and to the Pentagon.

“Our nation and our entire military family remain stronger because of the service and sacrifice of people of all faiths, including the thousands of patriotic Muslim Americans who have served and still serve in this long period of war,” Deputy Defense Secretary Robert Work said last week.


  1. Its a wrap folks. Obama is insuring total Islamic penetration.

  2. We have identified our enemy and it is Obama.

  3. “Our nation and our entire military family remain stronger because of the service and sacrifice of people of all faiths, including the thousands of patriotic Muslim Americans who have served and still serve in this long period of war,”

    And the idiot Democrats will fall for this lie.

  4. Destroying us from within our own military. Vote Republican in November!

  5. The people who should read these comments (Oblama voters)can't read or even put together a sentence.

  6. Anonymous said...
    Destroying us from within our own military. Vote Republican in November!

    July 10, 2014 at 7:17 PM

    This means local elections as well. The local Democrats will be voting for Obama and other traitors.


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